Chapter two

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  "The village is less then 2 kilometer sir." The Sargeant of the first Marine squad spoke with grating voice of wet gravel.

  Serok would give only a nod as he fixes his red hood from the strong breeze. A trail of decay following behind each of them, but the sludge and toxins struggled to spread and grow with whatever this planet that seemed to killing off their gifts.

  Making their sluggish, calculating march towards the village, their powerpacks where spewing toxic smog which would give these primitives to notice their advance. That'll make this more fun when they break their defense and crush their hope.

  "Send this to those dragoniod monsters, and tell them whatever they want they can have, that's from the raiding party." A familiar priest ordered with a voice full of distain when mentioning the help of monsters. The younger man who was given basically a potato sack that was filled with gold as a offering to them, his face paled white.

  "I wish we didn't need to do this but if you want this town to not fall to ruin, please go and deliver this." The priest begged as the younger fellow, who was definitely of age, steeled himself and nods his head weakly. "Good lad, I pray for your safety." The boy nods his head as he'd begin to make the trip to the last known location of the dragoniod warband.

  Seeing the boy leave the church tower, he sighs before turning to head to the bell of the tower. Walking up the old creaky stairs, his brow furrowed. This priest wasn't old and grey, for the most part, but his old profession before becoming a priest had already taken it's rough toll on him.

  Upon finally reaching the stop, his hands grip the thick hemp rope connected to the bell, his knuckles turned white as he put all his strength into pulling down the bell, which began to ring.

  In the town below yells of discontent were heard before moments later men came from their homes and were on the march to get their equipment from the guard house. The town began to become a beehive ready for war.

  The priest sighs as his eyes look past the village to see the slowly progressing towards them black smoke cloud.

A half an hour later

  "So boy~, you come from the village we've been recently attacking, but you ask for our help~? I don't think you known how this raider thing works my dear." The intimidating form of a 9ft tall, shining black scaled dragon women. Her skin was darkened by a tan, and her body was a bottom heavy hourglass figure.

She was sitting on a sitting on a rock, picking at her teeth with one of her claws. She had a evil grin plastered on her face as the few other dragoniods with her laughed. They were mostly made of Salamanders, and Lizardmen warriors, a single wurm.

  "I know but another unknown group is heading to our village, and they have something large making a trail of black clouds." The boy said with a quivering tone, which the information told to her, got her to grow furious, a bright green filling the back of her throat.

  "It must be those orc whores finally making their move, that town is my property!" She roars in anger before lifting up the boy by the collar of his shirt. "I'll be saving your town, but listen well you waste of space human, it's so I may take what's mine another day!"

  She would then unceremoniously drop him onto the dirt floor of the camp. "NOW GO! I have to prepare my girls." She hisses as drop of a green liquid drip from her mouth, making a hiss when it connected to a plant before said plant dissolved into mush. Not wanting to be told twice the boy nod his head as he rushes away from the came like a frightened deer.

  "Oh my~, moau what is this? Very strange warriors, they'll need a shower, but they'll do nicely~." A lilim, tall, pale skinned, and body which looked ready to break out of her revealing clothes, spoke as she watched through a small orb in her hand. Her eyes rested one the leader of the group, Serok. Her grins widens as she replays a dream she had.

  -Standing above the tower of last order church, having a pair strong armored arms wrap around her waist pulling her against their strong breastplate. Even though there was armor in the way she could feel the warmth of him against. "My dear, what a nice view you've made for us, what a wonderful day. I believe you deserve a reward for all your hard work~." The voice of her future lover rumbled with power in her ear as a armored hand traced up her body up to her chin.-

   She shivers in excitement at the memory of the dream that was sadly cut off by one of her servants. She crosses her legs as the door to her small throne room opened. Her eyes look who entered her throne room with a annoyed curiosity. It was a grey skinned Oni with tattoos covering all over her body. Her dark brown leather tunic barely covered her large breasts and hips. A necklace of small trophies was around her neck, and a large scar was down her right eye.

  "What do I owe the pleasure Arai?"

  "We have pushed into another town on the way to the capital of the order, which is only 90 miles away." Arai says as she kneels down out of respect. Her shin gunto resting on her back while she held her Kanabo as a semi support beam.

  "Good, good. You never fail me dear." The lilim began to say as a thought begins to form in her crazy head of hers. "Before you continue to push forward, I would like you to search for someone and bring them to me, unharmed." Arai's open eye looks up at her mistress with a confused stare. The lilim just grins widely as she forms dark matter orb, which floated towards Arai.

  In the orb showed a certain hooded power armored man, his armored covered in the disgusting grime, which if you looked closely was being eaten away by the demonic mana around him. Arai looks back up at her mistress but nods her head.

  "I shall have him in my warband's custody before next month." Arai says as she stands up, her dark grey muscles flexing unintentionally as she stood up. She lifts her Kanabo and rests it on her shoulder.

  "Good! Now go, I'll need him for the finally plan~." The lilim cooed as she shivered at the thought of her future husband. Arai nods and begins to walk out of the throne room, grinning at the possible challenge.

  "400 meters to go!" The same Sargeant as before spoke with his wet, yet still grating voice. The other men stayed silent but kept their firm marching, they were going to destroy this town, raze it and turn it into a wonderful part of nurgle's garden.

   The faithful serving Nurgle daemon soul shard inbedded into Serok manreaper scythe, couldn't help but lick it's lips. The idea of spreading it's grandfather's gift was exciting, but something was odd in the pit of it's metaphorical stomach. A desire for something else, something unknown to this shard. What ever this shard was feeling caused the plagued power field of the blade zap and glow with pallid green energy.

  Serok just grinned underneath his helmet as he figured the blade was craving battle like he was. Corpse worshipper blood was going to get spilled soon, and it caused him to tighten the grip he had.

//I hope you have enjoyed this so far! I'm sorry with me taking forever with this. Also who are you more excited to see go up against Serok?

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