It's a...

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The next morning arrived and Dee Dee and Tom were off to the doctor "I'm so excited baby, I can't wait to find out the gender of the little one here!" Dee held toms hand tight and giggled because she was so happy, now everyone could see that they're expecting a baby, her bump got so huge, it was amazing, she was relaxed, everyday a bit more and it was also easier for Tom, it made him happy that the love of his life was happy and he knew: if she's happy, baby is fine! "Hello Mrs. Jenkins, you're expecting us!" Both went very happy into the room "yessss children, take a seat please!" She smiled at the soon-parents
"So I have all results, dee Dee, you're totally healthy and the baby is fine, but it's still a risk, so I have to say that you have to be at strict bed rest, because of the 6 months we have to be extra careful , I'm so sorry, but that's the only way you and the baby can stay healthy and safe, just stand up when you need to go to the bathroom! Tom I want you to take care of her, I don't care what you say Dee Dee, I just want the best for you two..." Dr, Jenkins explained really serious "okay..." dee Dee said with a sad face "hey darling, look at me, we can do this okay..." tom hugged her "I don't wanna be too much for you...I mean the school, the baby and me..." "you're never too much! Never say this again okay, I do this because I want to! And when I need help I'll ask Alyssa, Emma or the others.." Tom gave Dee a kiss on her cheek to let her know he means what he says "Joanna, is it okay that we have a minute for us before you tell us the gender?" Tom ask with a worried and serious face. "Sure...I'll be right back" Dr. Jenkins left the room, Tom took Dee Dee's hands and gave her a serious look, you could see it at his face, he was really worried, he wasn't sure if Dee was really happy, he saw that she was kinda acting... "dee dee...are you happy... I mean, am I making you happy..." tom looked at the floor, he was afraid of the answer and wasn't sure if he would like to hear it... "SURE YOU'RE MAKING ME HAPPY! please Tom, NEVER doubt my love for you okay... it's just, I'm afraid that something could happened and we could loose our baby, I don't wanna loose it... I love it already so damn much..." she replied with tears in her eyes "hey, we can do that, we won't loose our baby, trust me, I promise I will fight for both of you to my last breath!" He said strongly. Dee dee knew that, she trusted him completely, no one knew more about her than tom, she believed him EVERY single word he told her, because she knew; he would NEVER lie to her, even if he knew that it could hurt her a bit or she would be a bit upset, he never lied to her, and that's why she was so happy to have him, she couldn't live without him, he was such a great man, her man! "Can I come in again?" Joanna asked with a small smile. "Sureee, I wanna know what we are expecting!" Dee dee giggled "okay let's see, ah here it is... okay are you ready, there is it, okay kids, you're expecting...

Heyyy peeps, chapter 14 is online, hope you like it❤️ the next chapter will be a but shorter, for the plot :) so stay tuned

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