Chapter 11

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While Mike still didn't exactly enjoy his new routine of fighting death every night, he did have to admit that he was happy to have a uniform which fit. He was also the only one to ever wear it. Of course when he got it he still washed it just in case.

The last uniform had been plum coloured but the one he wore currently was lilac. He was confused with the colour change but decided that it didn't particularly matter. At least it was a nice change.

As he went into his security closet he just so happened to look at his phone to be met with two messages. The first was from Jeremy at about 7pm making sure that he was ok. He sent a quick message saying he was fine, he was definitely developing a crush. If there was any reason to survive the night it was to see if anything could happen between them.

The other text... Well Mike didn't know what to make of the text that his mother, who had never texted him before, sent that asked if the two could talk. That was also new considering she only ever got cross at him for leaving. This text was sent at 9pm. He decided that he could worry about that one tomorrow.

The clock struck twelve. The night had started. There was no phone call. And upon further inspection Bonnie had already left the stage.

What was even more unsettling was that it sounded as if he was running. Bonnie had never ran, not even once. Mike slammed the door button and a second later he heard an annoyed, "Hey! What was that for?"

Mike had seen a lot during his first week of his night guard job. Golden animatronic bears that could teleport, other animatronics which tried to kill him and all of the animatronics could talk as if sentinent. Yet hearing Bonnie say those words was what caused his legs to buckle.

The purple rabbit on the outside of the door shouted, "Hey! You ok? Did you run out of oxygen?"

Mike, who blamed it on the complete absurdity of the situation, replied, "Kinda hard to run out of oxygen since the other doors open."

"Oh yeah, Chica came 'round to say hi to."

As Bonnie had said when Mike turned around he heard no noise from the kitchen. So he slammed the door. Switching on the light he saw Chica, who could have killed him once again.

"Why did you lock her out?"

"The same reason I locked you out. Do you have amnesia or something?"

Bonnie' ears dropped as he replied, "Sort of? It feels as if I haven't been active in a long time, don't even remember this place."

"... You don't remember?"

"Nope, it won't let me open any of my memory files."

Mike sighed as he knew how stupid what he was about to suggest was, "If you promise me that when I fix your hard drive that you won't do anything to me then I'll help."

"What do you mean not do anything to you? I mean I figured I've met you before since I heard the staff talk about how we 'tormented' you - whatever that means - but since they said it in such a mean way I'm guessing it's bad."

"You don't know what tormenting means?" Mike thought this was odd considering that he could have been easily programmed to know, "Anyways come in and close the door behind you."

"Alright, don't see why you're-" Quick bangs interrupted him, "What's that?"

"Just get in!"

Bonnie went in and closed the door, a few seconds later snarling could be heard from the other side of the door. In shock Bonnie pressed the other button to turn on the lights. Foxy was trying to rip the door open with his hook.

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