Chapter 3

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[arya Ashley and Alexis are sitting on the couch eating]

Ashley: I swear girl he's an animal a creature in the shape of a human

Arya: I finally saved ourself from him, but they won't stop coming after us, his men are still after us

Ashley: don't worry let them come after you, just because your husband is a very powerful man, doesn't mean that we aren't as powerful as him just because we don't have money

Arya: you're right but we have to find a place for us to stay

[ashley posted to her house]

Ashley: then what is this place, isn't it a home which you're staying in

Arya: but that's your house

Ashley: no it's not mine it's my brother's house.  If the universe has sent me someone who needs a home like you..don't worry I'll help you my brother is gone anyway he's going to come back after 2 days until then stay here for a while and once he gets back he'll never throw you out because I will talk to him

Arya: you're doing so much for me

Ashley: only this much, I could only do this much I can't go overboard for you anymore ok. As long as you stay here don't steal and look into our hands because you already have a job today's job and a job will always stay as a job

Arya: what job?

Ashley: you got out of the set today but tomorrow we're going to the set again, look imma pick a nice position for you and send you a beautiful nice outfit and you're going to put a little makeup and come to the set ok

Arya: look if there's another job then I'll gladly except it because..I came from a family that-

[ashley rolled her eyes and cut her off]

Ashley: look. Just think about yourself and your little daughter, if you had such a family then they would've been by you right now right. Anyway I am leaving I have to get to the set. Today I have exactly 4 hour work, my makeup approximately takes 4 hours because you know, I am playing the role of a queen. Listen when the clock hits 2 come to the set don't be late get on time

[Ashley then left]

Alexis: mom Ms. Ashley is really a nice person

Arya: you're right honey, Ms. Ashley is really a good person , you know in this world there's more good people then bad ones, so that's why devils try to get into the heads of good people, but at the end only good people will always win

[Alexis smiled and Arya kissed her on the head and hugged her]

[Max is in his gold car with another car following him and that car contains his goons. He came to the train station. His driver opened the door and while going to the train station they started kicking people out of his way, a few were paying respect to him. One man approached him he is the manager of the station and payed his respect towards him with fear]

Manager: it's such a nice surprise to see you at our station sir, if you want to go to a place I can send the tickets to your palace

Max: We are in a rush today or else I could've called you from the palace right

Manager: don't worry sir I could even sent to train towards your palace

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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