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"nothing feels better than this."


APRIL WOKE UP with a pounding headache, looking around she saw a bright orange light. She adjusted quickly.

April looked around noticing she was in some sort of circle, she heard voices so she looked up. Her eyes met those of Finn and Esther. Standing with her in the circle surrounded by fire and torches.


April looked up at the mention of her name, there she saw him. Kol was stood outside the ring with a worried look on his face.

April decided to sleep at the Mikaelson mansion, after last night she wanted answers. And she was too tired to wait for Kol to wake up from his snapped neck.

April wakes up confused, expecting Kol next to her. But he wasn't. She sat up straight in his bed and looked around.

"Hello... Kol?"

No response. April got out of the bed and opened the curtains, she turned around and flinched. Right there was Kol. It was obvious the vampire had just showered, he had no shirt on and a towel around his waist hung very low.

April her eyes widened and she turned around in an instant, after her obvious staring. Kol laughed, "Goodmorning, darling. Slept well?"

"Put on a shirt."

"Why? Can't handle my absolutely resisting body?"

"Well aren't you cocky?" April looked for a shirt on the ground, she found one and threw it to Kol while still being turned around.

Kol laughed and put on the shirt, April patiently waited although she felt nervous knowing Kol was naked behind her.

"Are you done?"


April turned around and Kol had a shirt on, his towel was still around his waist but atleast he was covered. Until Kol did the one thing April didn't expect.

He dropped the towel.

"Kol!" April gasped and spun around once again, "You're such a dick!"

"Wrong word choice, doll."

April blushed at the nickname but quickly shrugged it off, "Put pants on, Kol. Or i will rip ur fangs off!"

"You use that line alot, don't you?"

"Just put pants on."

Kol walked over to the closet and put on boxers, along with some pants. Kol told her it was safe and April turned around and sighed in relief.

"Okay now that you're not naked anymore, can we please talk?"

"About what exactly?"

"The bond."

Kol nodded, "Right, what do you want to know?"

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