The Acknowledgment

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The year is 2011. Twenty One Pilots just released their new album titled Regional At Best. They're both in the living room of Tylers house anticipating the upcoming release show that is planned for that night. They both sit on the couch eating taco's from Taco Bell nervously watching the news as weather rolls in, hoping it doesn't cancel their longly anticipated show.

"I'm nervous" Tyler says with a shaky voice"

"Me Too" Josh says looking at Tyler while his mouth is full of taco.

"I don't know what we will do if this gets cancelled josh, so many people are expecting us to play" Tyler says thinking about all the fans coming to the show.

Josh gets up to go use the bathroom.

Tyler sits on the couch still watching the weather report.

*20 minutes has passed since josh went to go use the bathroom*

Tyler Notices that josh has not returned from the bathroom and gets up to go look for him.

"Where's Josh" Tyler says sounding concerned. 

He walks around nervously looking for his mocha eyed friend. He stops in his tracks in the bedroom to find his friend josh has a glowing blue tint to his eyes.

"J-Josh are you ok?" Tyler says as he backs up nervously.

Josh doesn't say a word and looks at Tyler with a very demonic stare. 

There's a smell in the air that Tyler can't quite put his finger on.

it smells "burnt" Tyler says frantically trying to find out what is wrong with josh.

Tyler looks over onto his bed to see that the stuffed dragon plushie named "Trash" he had has turned into a little Blue Dragon figurine.

"Where did Trash go!" Tyler exclaims with a very nervous tone.

Josh in a very monotone demonic voice says "They're coming for you, No Chances" 

 he then shoots a blue ray out of his mouth onto his pet fish turning his fish into a plastic figurine.

Tyler scared, runs into the living room as josh follows suit.

Josh backs Tyler up into a corner inching closer with every step.

"Please leave me alone" Tyler says while crying.

*Tyler looks over his shoulder and see's a wooden bat leaning up against the wall*

In a quick panic Tyler grabs the bat at hits josh in the head, knocking him out.

Tyler quickly jumps over josh and runs out the front door.

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