A Performance That Transcends The Stars

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Trixie took in her space. The earthy smell of ores and rocks has grown to soothe Trixie, a fault she placed upon her partner. The sound of the streaming river felt like a lullaby to Trixie. However, she couldn't go to sleep when the river put on a glittery show.

Trixie has spent years in this cave with Maud Pie and the sparkling water never ceased to amaze her. Normally she would spend her day dazzling the folks of Ponyville of her greatness, but today they would have to settle without her. Her eyes could not turn from the river flowing from the side of her chamber like a harbor. The moment felt too precious to lose.

Trixie had also brewed fresh tea. She never thought of herself as a tea-pony, but her frequent visits to Fluttershy's tea party had opened her to new things. The tea did wonders to her taste buds, giving the air a sweet taste.

And Trixie had also found herself comfortable in her velvet cushion. A large baggy pillow enveloped her body with warm silk that tried to coax her to sleep.

The world had set itself in place for the great and powerful Trixie. She had caught herself in an impenetrable trap that not even she could escape from. There was nothing she could do.

She was in harmony.

"Mom!" Trixie heard a voice she did plan to hear. It sapped her from her happy trance and raised her alert.

Her harmony was not gone.

Trixie saw her son, Moondancer, galloping through a small passage into her chamber. He wore an exhilarated face and sounded boisterous energy that Trixie could do without right about now.

Moondancer ran so fast into Trixie's chamber that it was inevitable he tripped over the many hazardous pebbles and rocks that fell from the ceiling. But before his face could plant on the thick rocks, Trixie caught her son with her magic.

Trixie floated her son towards her and firmly laid his haunch on the ground. She then sighed at her son. "Why in Equestria are you running in the cave? Trixie has gone over this countless times not to ever do that."

"I know, mom," Moondancer said, though he still bore an excitement that led Trixie to believe otherwise. "But I really want to show you something. I just learned a bunch of new spells."

"Is that right?" Trixie responded with a bored voice. She couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that her warning did not comfortably land on her son. But there was also the fact that Moondancer had interrupted her relaxation.

Moondancers have always made a habit of learning new tricks to dazzle his mother with. They were like trinkets he would always want to share with his mother, hoping to get a fun reaction out of her.

Any normal pony would decline if they wanted to be on their lonesome. But Trixie believed in her heart no pony held the fortitude to swat away her son's desiring eyes. Even a sly dog would fall spellbound to them.

"What did you learn today?" Trixie asked, resigning to play as his audience.

"They're amazing!" Moondancer exclaimed. "I found them in a weird-looking book at the Golden Oak Library. It had all sorts of cool spells I wanted to know how to use."

"So, they're cool. Well, I'll be the judge of that. How about you give me a demonstration?"

Moondancer skipped a distance from his mother. He then coughed into his hoof and boasted a cocky chest and smile.

"You ask for Moondancer's wonders," Moondancer spoke in a dramatic tone. It was much like his mother's, however, the way he swaggered himself as Trixie did not strike the effect. Trixie found it utterly adorable. "Then you shall be amazed."

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