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"J! We've got uni today don't be late!" I hear  Dan's soft voice call.

"Yeah." I grunt. I roll over and see the alarm clock.

I leap out of bed and scramble into a pair of galaxy leggings and my white 'you me at six' hoodie. I pull on a pair of black fluffy socks and I slip on my white doc martens.

"Galaxy girl. I like it." Dan hissed. I spun around to see Dan standing there in his boxers.

"Dan were going in 10 minutes!" I laughed. "Nice boxers though!" I giggled at Dan's Pokemon boxers.

"Whatever." Dan smirked.

I grabbed my books and stuffed them in my bag.

"I've been here so long it feel like I live here!" Dan laughs.

"You should move in!" I cheered.

"Really?" Dan gasped.

"Yeah really!" I giggled.

I grabbed my phone and it buzzed in my hand.

Unknown: See you later. Pathetic bitch. Might wanna get some armor cause I've got some pretty strong guys over here.

My palms started to clam up again. Deep breaths. I calmed myself down and went down to the car.

"I'm waiting in the car!" I called to Dan.

"Okay J!" He replied.

I didn't talk much on the way, Dan did most of that. He was always talking, I barely heard any of it. We pulled up outside uni.


First class went so slowly. I can't stop worrying about the evaluation. I nudge Dan.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" I whisper to him.

"Well you are in a lot of ways." Dan winked at me.

"No I mean, mentally?" I mutter.

"Course not!" Dan holds my hand under the desk. Suddenly the bell rings, it gave me such a fright I practically jumped out of my seat and whacked my knee on the table.

I waited behind so I didn't get squashed in a stampede of people and I pulled out my planner.

"I'm gonna catch up with some of my mates!" Dan pulled me over to him.

"Okay D." I smiled. Dan plants a soft kiss on my lips.

I continue checking through all of my things when a note falls out my French book. I opened it slowly.
You're a pathetic, worthless, ugly, fat bitch and you should just kill yourself now to save us all from eye and ear damage. I hope Dan sees how pathetic you are and leaves you all alone with nobody because you don't deserve a home nevermind  a gorgeous boyfriend like Dan. So I expect to see you tonight, go to the bridge after school. Or else. Remember I'm always watching.

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