Chapter 1: The New Crewmate

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L was the new crewmate on the Skeld and I was ready to kill him immediately. Once the team finally introduced him to everyone they got into pairs and it was just me and him. Out of everyone I had to be paired with, it had to be him. It's ok though because I'll just sneak behind him and when he is not looking and kill him .I thought this plan would work until he turned around and looked me into my eyes with his dark midnight orbs and then I knew this was going to be harder than I thought it would be. But no, I must continue. I need to win. I have no choice.

L: "Hey umm what's your name again? Oh right, Light is it right?"

Light: " Oh um yes that's right, it's Light. I guess you're paired up with me. I did most of my tasks already so let's get you started on yours and then we can go back to mine."

I need to be careful on what I say and do so he doesn't find out that I'm Kir- I mean, the imposter.

L: " I have no problem with that. I have electrical first so let's go there."

Light : " Ok sure lead the way."

I went down in the first hall, L was in front of me but was walking extremely slow and would slightly jump at every little thing, which I thought was a little weird. Then when I finally had my chance to sneak off, I felt a hand wrap around my arm, which I was a little taken back by.

Light: " you ok there L what's wrong."

L: "Well it's dark and I'm scared so... I just thought maybe since your name is light and all you could lead the way through the dark."

L chuckled at his joke but still held a strong grip on my arm he was holding on to.

Light: "I umm yeah sure."

I hid my face from him and slightly blushed but I had to hold my composure. I mean I had to kill him at some point but I'll keep him around just a little longer. I mean it can't hurt to have a little company.

Soon, we reached electrical. I made a show of looking around for the imposter, though little did L know that I was him. I felt his eyes on me, even through the darkness, and felt that I was being watched like a hawk. Perhaps he is smarter than he lets on? I'll have to watch out for him.

Light: "Alright, there doesn't seem to be anybody in here. I'll keep watch on the vent, you focus on your task."

L eyed me up and down with suspicion, then nodded and turned to do wires. Great! Now's my chance to kill someone. After all, it'd be (sus)picious if nobody died while he was watching me. I had to do something, and fast, before he was done. I made sure he was absorbed in his work before I jumped in the vent. I crawled fast towards Security. Through the floor, I could hear murmurs of other crewmates.

Orange: "Dude.. I don't think it's a good idea to split up."

Brown: "Don't worry, man! If anything weird happens, you'll see on cams. Then, you can call a meeting!"

Orange: "B-But... What if something happens to you?"

I couldn't see through the vent properly, but I'm sure that Brown smiled somberly as he often did.

Brown: "Then.. I can count on you to avenge me. It's all for justice in the end."

Orange and he must've come to an inaudible agreement, as I saw a blur of brown walk away, his footprints echoing through the vent grates. Once I was sure he was gone, I had to make my move, fast. I was sweating bullets as I hopped out of the vent and striked. Orange was dead quickly, stab wounds I delivered leaving him with only half a body, a bloody bone sticking out. I thought to wonder if L was done already, but time spent thinking is time lost. I hopped back in the vent as my mental clock ticked down. It would be hard to explain myself if I were to get caught. When I noticed no sign of L through the vent, I made my way through, quietly closing the metal door.

He was just about finished with wires.

I made it in time!

I had left the weapon I used in the vent, and the blood blended in with my red space suit quite easily, so I didn't have much cleanup to do before L turned back to me and looked at me with that raven colored stare. He sighed in slight relief.

L: "Thanks for keeping guard, Light. This is one of the hardest tasks for me, it always takes me quite a while. I always get so tangled up!"

I chuckled lightly, and if he were to listen closely, perhaps he'd have made out the relief I festered as well. My mind nearly wandered to what L looked like tangled up, but then I remembered that he was waiting for me to respond.

Light: "It's no problem, no problem at all."

We took off to do other tasks, I made sure to avoid the hallway leading to Security. As we walked I waited for someone to find the body and call an emergency meeting but until then I will try to get to know L. I mean why would he come here out of all places?

Light: "So why are you here in the first place ? "

He hesitated before answering me.

L:"You can't tell anyone, but I was sent on this ship to investigate and find the imposter."

Well this is a plot twist. I mean that's why we were paired up into groups because the other imposter is stupid enough to almost get caught but I saved their ass and thats when L came, so makes sense. As we walked down the hall I felt his hand rap around my arm again but this time in a more hugging manner which made me stop in my tracks completely.

L: " You ok light? Sorry if I scared you a bit but I don't know I just felt like it."

Light: " Oh no it's ok I actually don't mind much anymore since the last time and all. Its actually kind of nice."

I looked down at him with a bit of a smile but then soon realized what I just said.

L: " Really?! Well ok then let's continue."

Light: " Ah yes let's continue. Turn left in the next hall."

We walked tough storage and finally made it in to Admin

L: " Do you have any tasks in admin, because I just have electrical in here and in weapons?"

Light: "oh um no I don't have anything in here, I already did everything in this room in the beginning before you were here."

L: " hmmm..."

Oh no, did I make it obvious that I didn't do any task here since I'm the imposter. Over course not I played it off well he'll never know but i'll change the subject so he won't catch on more.

Light: " Do you need any help? I 'm pretty good at it ?"

L: " Only if you want to."

Light: " Of course it's no problem. Come in front of me and i'll direct you to the right wires."

I said with a bright smile so he didn't suspect anything. He walked over in front of me and I put my muscular arms around his 5'8 figure compared to my 5'10 figure. He fits perfectly between my arms but anyway I put my hand on his and directed him to the right wires. When we finished and smiled at each other and that's when he said.

L: " Thank you Light that really helped me and I'm glad I got paired up with you."

Light: " No problem anytime--"

I got cut off by the loud blare of the emergency button. We instantly glanced at each other and I noticed that he had a slight look of fear in his eyes.  I reminded him that everything will be ok and that we should go to the cafeteria to begin searching for the imposter. He nodded, and we were off. I prepared for a battle of wits along the way, my greatest foe possibly besides me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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