Arthur and the bread (That may or may not be hallucinogenic)

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We are in the late 5th century, and Arthur is a farmer's son living in relative poverty but not too bad.

They can afford food and seeds, like bread. This is where we start, at this bakery.

Chapter 1


I was walking along the cobbled path of Tintagel to the bakery for some bread. I walked up to the shop, the smell of fresh bread washing over me. The shop had a thick thatched roof with the fading sign hanging off it. I started walking to one of the many pastures to eat the warm, steamy bread. As I was walking, focusing on the delicious aroma of the bread, I ran into my old friend Merlin on the path outside the cobbler.

"Hey, Arthur!" Merlin said. "What do you have there? It smells delicious." "Bread, do you want some?" I replied.

Chapter 2


The field was big and green, the occasional pig dotted around the place. The bread looked great and smelt delicious. Turns out it tasted great too. We had split it in quarters so we could have some later.

Suddenly, I spotted a fleet of ships. At first I thought it was some of our fleet but then I realized that the sails had the Roman battalion. "Arthur! I see invading ships!", I shouted. "Where?" Arthur replied. "Over there!" I said while pointing to the near coast. "Are those Roman?" Arthur asked "I think so. We better warn Vortigern.", I said while running off to the castle.

Chapter 3


We requested a hearing with the king but we were informed that the king was dead. We were told if someone fixed him then they could be king, so Merlin used his apparent new magics to revive him. "Hooga booga shooga dooga." he chanted, reviving the king.

Merlin is not a good leader. He was once in charge of crop collection and he forgot to tell people what to do. So instead of being king himself he made me king. (It didn't take much persuading.)

My first act as king was to set out on a quest for the Holy Grail.

Chapter 4


We were in the middle of a field of cows and I spotted a strangely big cow. It turns out that it was a dragon. Red and menacing breathing a white flame.

"CHARGE!" I shouted, running towards the dragon. Merlin (The only other person there) followed closely. Merlin shot some sparks at it and it caught on fire. I then stabbed it with my new sword from that old king.

Chapter 5


I saw these two deranged men, my brother and his best friend. They were stabbing a cow with a stick. Once they were done Arthur's friend came up to me and stuffed some bread into my mouth."NO stop ahg!" I tried to say, but it came out as "MMMG mm ahg!". To be honest the bread was quite good and I wanted more.

I started to feel slightly fuzzy, like when you are about to fall asleep. My brother's friend asked me if I had any special abilities. "No", I said. "I think you do, click your fingers", the man said. So I did.

Sparks flew around and landed on the grass, nothing happened when they hit the surrounding greenery, but it was a cool effect.

"Well!" shouted Merlin (I don't know how I know his name, but I do now). "You appear to be like me", Merlin continued. "What does that mean?", I asked him. "Well... I don't really know but I'm going to train you!", he said. I still think he was deranged but I think I am too now.

Chapter 6


Three minutes have passed

We canceled the quest so I could start training Morgana.

The next day

We were on a cliff by the ocean next to my house, near Arther's castle. The castle was a big and beautiful stone brick worm with a big coughtyard and chapel in the back garden. One minute there was a cliff the next there was a slope with rocks rolling down it.

"Your training has gone well", I told Morgana. "Hissssss" Morgana replied. Not sure what that was about. "Well, um ok then" I said. Morgana suddenly leapt at me like a cat stalking a bird... and then eating that bird.

Morgana bit a chunk out of my arm. And... swallowed it. "Oww" I said "What was that for?" I asked. No reply.

Chapter 7


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That's what my brain is like right now. WOOF MEOW. More brain sounds.

Turns out I ate some of Merlin (To be honest he was a delicacy). Now I'm going for Arthur

Chapter 8


I heard a faint "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" coming up the hill. "Is that my sister?" I wondered to myself. I wandered down the hill to see if it was and I saw Merlin being chased by Morgana, except Morgana was the one screaming. I ran at Morgana and started a fight. She shot sparkes at me and I blocked them with my magic sword given to me by this lady in a lake.

Chapter 9


SPARKS! BOOM! CRASH! These were the sounds I thought I was making with my magic I was shooting at Morgana. But it actually sounded like faint fizz...

I was shooting this magic stuffs at Morgana. Then she attacked! Arthur snuck up behind her and stabbed her in the back.

Chapter 10


Splat went the body of his sister as it fell on the ground.

Suddenly I could hear the galloping of hooves coming towards us. "Stop right there!" one of the knights shouted. "We want you with your hands in the air!" we complied, they chucked us onto a horse and took us into a stone room with iron bars for a window.

The next day

"Come with me," a chainmail clad man said. We followed him to the new gallows and stood there waiting. A judge came out and started reading out our crimes. "MURDER" his voice rang out across the gathered crowd. "ACTS OF SORCERY AND INSANITY" We stepped up onto the stool and waited for it to be kicked out from under us. "BEFOULMENT OF A COW AS THEY BELIEVED IT TO BE A DRAGON" the stall was gone.

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