2 - detention

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Back to the principal's office, I guess.

"So," My principal cleared his throat and took a seat. "George is a wonderful student, he's great in class, excellent grades." Those words put smile on my mother's face. He cleared his throat once more. "But."

"But." She repeated his words.

He let out a slight nervous chuckle. "But he keeps getting into trouble."

I slouched, sliding down in my chair.

"He'll have to take detention, or I have no choice but to suspend him." He finally said the bad news. Detention. "Since the incident happened by the Art Department, you'll have your detention after school in the music room." He started typing on his laptop, I sat up straight. Curious. "Choir Practice."

"Damn- that sucks, George." My friend spoke to me.

"I know right!" I replied, loudly enough to piss off my teacher.

"George!" She smushed the marker onto the whiteboard. She had a forced smile before she turned to face me.

"Hello, Miss." I replied, with an annoying smile.

"Do you want more detention?" She said.


"Well, it seems like it." She said before I laughed. "Outside."

I stood up, throwing my back onto my shoulder. Twenty minutes of waiting, impatiently, outside my English class.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I realized I was in the music room, mind was blank.

"This," The Music teacher said, heads turning around facing me. "is George."

He walked me towards the choir club, or whatever it was called, I didn't care enough to remember. I sat behind this girl, she had long dark brown hair.

The teacher made us sing, but I knew nothing about singing just that I was bad at it. My singing hurt my own ears.

"You're terrible." She said.

"I know." I said, laughing.

"I'm Erin." She put out her hand

"George." I shook her hand.

A/N: this was painful for me to read- sorry if it's bad.

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