The Cave

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Sansan needed to find a place to hide. The cut from CP's knife was deeper than he'd anticipated. His clothes were soaked with blood and his vision was slowly blurring. He stumbled forward blindly in the dark, following the sound of the stream. 

The pain was the only thing keeping him from sinking into oblivion. He spotted a cavern up ahead behind a thorny wall of vegetation. He slashed his way through it with his machete, each swing sending a wave of pain through his body. He began to see double and by the time he reached the cavern's opening his knees buckled and he fell face first into the dirt. Self preservation was the last thing on his mind. All he wanted was for the pain to stop. His eyes closed and then all he felt was nothingness.

It was the cold that brought him back to his senses. It bit into his skin and he tried to move. But his arms were pinned to his sides. Horror washed over him as he realized that he was tied up. He looked around, squinting into the darkness trying to figure out who his captor was. It couldn't be CP. She would have taken the first chance she got to carve into his bones and leave him to rot.  He wiggled in his bindings and cursed. Whoever it was had done a good job. The rope cut into his skin but the cold was too biting for the bleeding to be of much concern. 

"Try all you want. You're not escaping my knots unless I let you." a voice said from somewhere in the dark. Sansan stilled. It was Gooon. Of all the people to get caught by. Sansan almost felt embarrassed. He'd seen Goooon fight; it was like watching a headless chicken with a knife. He fought with such chaos and obliviousness that the only possible reason he was still alive was because lady luck seemed to have a soft spot for idiots.

"That's an awful lot of confidence for someone with no hand eye coordination..." Sansan smirked. 

A flame flickered to light a few feet away and Goooon stepped towards him. The lighter in his hand cast a shadow across his face momentarily making him look threatening and Sansan forced himself to keep his gaze level. He knelt in front of Sansan and stared at him. His eyes gave away nothing.

"I fixed you up. The least you can say is thank you." Goooon said curtly.

Sansan blinked. He twisted his body side to side and sure enough, there was no pain. 

"Why would you do that?" Sansan demanded. There was no possible reason someone from another district would show such mercy. But then again Goooon wasn't known for being the sharpest tool in the shed. He decided to play it cool and perhaps if he played his cards right he'd get a kill and impress his sponsors. 

Goooon shrugged, "No reason. I had extra resources and saw you bleeding out. It felt like the right thing to do."

Sansan stared at him in exasperation, "You do realize you're meant to kill me, right? Do you know how this game works?"

"I figured you'd be more useful to me as an ally. I've seen you fight. You're good." 

The compliment took him by surprise and Sansan felt his face heat up. He couldn't think of an appropriate response. 

Goooon raised an eyebrow at him, "So?"

"So, what?" Sansan asked, a little unnerved.

Goooon laughed, "I think you're still a little loopy from the meds. you want to be allies?"

Sansan really couldn't believe his luck. This really was going to be an easy kill.

"Yes. I'd like that." he said, sitting up straighter. 

Goooon smiled widely and pulled out a knife. It flashed in the light of the flame and Sansan felt the bindings come undone. Cold air brushed against his bleeding wrists and he winced. He flexed his arms carefully and as Goooon took a step back, Sansan lunged. 

SansanXGoooonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora