Part 1

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I threw myself up not knowing where I was or how I had gotten here. My heart was racing as I took a look around, all I could see was a few dingy lights hanging on the ceiling and cement walls and floor, the door was on my far left and it almost blended into the wall perfectly, I got up and noticed how cold it was, I was wearing my usual black tank top and a pair of long grey fuzzy pants. I walked over to the door and started to shake it and once I realized it was locked my panic grew and consumed me I went over to the farthest corner and sat down, I felt tears roll down my cheeks as the feeling of panic and loneliness settled in and became close friends inside my mind. once the door had finally opened it felt like I had been there for hours, I lifted my head just enough so I could see the bare minimum. the person I saw standing by the door was tall, around 5ft 6in if I had to guess, they were skinny and pale, their hair was so black it almost seemed blue, they had their ears pierced with small gold studs and his eyes were a beautiful green, somehow I felt as if I knew him, he seemed too familiar but somehow I just couldn't remember. he walked over to me and kneeled to my level but I didn't raise my head he seemed that he was used to this but how. I finally raised my head thinking that he had left because there had been no sound for a few minutes but as I looked over at the spot I knew he was, at last, he was still there, staring at me but now he was smiling. I looked away quickly as he stood up and said"finally you're awake. now if you want food you WILL come with me." he said this as a command more than an option but I wasn't in the mood for taking orders especially from him. he leaned against the door and watched me, most likely waiting but when I didn't come over he raised an eyebrow and said "wow, your the first to not come crawling towards the door at the mention of leaving this room." he smiled and winked at me, I scowled and said" I'm not stupid enough to trust you." once I had said that he seemed taken aback but recovered quickly and went back to smiling and said," well why would you?" I didn't answer, instead, I stupidly got up and stood by him, my panic rose but I somehow felt safer knowing I wasn't alone here, wherever here was. he didn't immediately open the door instead he just stood there and watched me, taking my image in and smiling. after a few minutes, he opened the door and walked out with me following behind him, around me were the sounds of muffled screams. my eyes grew wide as I almost looked into one of the rooms we were passing but he looked back at me and said: "don't look. trust me, you don't wanna know." I couldn't help but listen to him, my fear growing every second, he seemed to sense it so he started to walk next to me. after a few minutes, we walked into a large light-filled room, it had a few pieces of furniture and at least 5 windows but all too high up for me to escape through, and the walls were made of cement. we stopped by a wall and I couldn't help myself so I said"I feel like I know you." he didn't seem startled by my comment at all, he seemed like he'd been waiting for me to say that to him. he smiled his coy smile and said"well, I thought you'd never make that connection. remember the name, Rick Lonez, by any chance?"

 suddenly a rush of memories came flooding my mind from last year, Rick Lonez was a transfer student from l.A, he was very shy but the few people who became his friends supposedly moved, got homeschooled or somehow just never came back except for me. I became friends with him a few months after he came, he seemed quiet and standoffish at school but once you got to know him more he was very out there, nice and full of compassion; he did have a few creepy habits and thoughts but don't we all sometimes. I always thought he was the best, he never hurt me once and he seemed very protective, at first it seemed cute but then it got scary and violent, so I started to try and keep my distance but that didn't play well with him, so he left town but as soon as he did I felt safer but more alone because I never did have many friends but the ones I did stopped hanging out with me once I met Rick and after he left me I became a loner again. I threw my hands over my mouth to hold back a gasp, now a lot of things made sense but it also made other things more confusing. now I knew why almost everyone was disappearing but why did he wait for me now, when he could've taken me ages ago, not that I would have been happy about it. he smiled and stood in front of me, I was surprised but knowing it was the same Rick that was my friend hurt and scared me the most because I only knew what he was partly capable of. he looked me up and down and said:" do you know why you're here, Sam ?" I shook my head because I truly didn't know why I was here or why this was even happening and I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare, he lifted his right hand to my face and traced my jaw with his middle finger, making me shiver and shed a few tears. he wiped them away and said: "because I've missed you dearly, so why don't you tell me how's it been since I left?" he was taunting me, he was being sarcastic and it was laced all over his tone, he was telling me he had been watching.

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