Part 2

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 I scowled and said: " why! why me though, I couldn't have been that special to you." now it was his turn to scowl he took his hands and pinned me against the wall, he almost screamed his next words "if only you knew! you are so ignorant of what you did to me." He was crushing my wrists, making it impossible to move. I stopped fighting and hung my head, I finally realized there was nothing I could do, so why try, I did miss him and why not give in to that instead of my fear and pain, no. I'm not weak but I'm not strong enough either so what do I do. I fell to the floor as he let the pressure off of my wrists, I looked up at him, his eyes were shut and he was still scowling but he sat by me and said"don't worry I'll tell you soon enough." he didn't seem angry anymore which was better, at least I thought so. we sat there for a while and my fear and panic were growing by the second and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was going to see my family again or if I was going to survive even. I started to cry, not knowing what else to do felt like it was eating me up inside and I just wanted out, after a few minutes Rick stood up and put his hand out for me to take, I grabbed it and stood up instantly. not wanting to be alone, I followed him out of the room and into a more homey-looking hallway. I suddenly realized we had just sat in that room and no one came as I expected them to, so my curiosity getting the best of me I asked:" Was someone supposed to come?" he looked at me and nodded. I was even more confused now and so he explained a little further: "while you were crying I got a message from my boss saying he'd be late for...reasons." I left it at that and kept my head down, following him like an obedient puppy. He led me up an old winding staircase till we reached the second floor, this area seemed much nicer with some doors open that looked like bedrooms or bathrooms inside. I looked at Rick and sighed, I missed him and I want to be with him but I shouldn't feel like this but I do.We walked and walked for a few more minutes until we got to what seemed to be the door at the end of the hallway. He stepped up to it and pulled a set of keys out of his blue sweatshirt and used one of them to open the door, he walked in and ushered me in behind him. I followed and he locked the door behind him as he told me to take a seat on the bed. I had finally noticed what he was wearing: it was a blue sweatshirt with Sans from Undertale on the back and a plain black shirt under it with a pair of old-looking faded jeans and converse. Suddenly I was filled with a rush of happiness because the sweatshirt he was wearing was the same one I got him for his birthday a week or 2 before he left, he noticed me staring and smiled already seeming to know what I was thinking, "I wear it all the time. you know I've missed you a lot since I left." He sat down next to me and continued " I've been trying to keep tabs on you...ya know to make sure you're still safe and all. Have you missed me at all Sammie?" I looked up at him as soon as he said my nickname, the name only him and my father called me and dad had died a year ago in a fatal car accident, thinking about it made me cold and so I wrapped my arms around myself and dropped my head. Rick scooted closer to me and helped to put me in the sweatshirt, I don't know why but I let my head fall onto his shoulder as I closed my eyes; feeling more tired than I've ever felt before.   

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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