Chapter 6- Apologies, Forgiveness, & Rekindling

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Zayn's POV

I go on a long walk; I replay in my mind what happened. The softness of Riley's lips on my, the way my tongue traced her pink lips, and the way we were kissing rhythmically. But then, I see the hurt in Liam's eyes, and nothing felt worse than that. I think I lost my best friend, and there is no way to get him back. When I get back in the flat, I see Liam's door is closed, I walk up to his door and put my hand on the knob, but I jerk away. I sit in the loft, and I cry. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak and defenseless.

I put my hands, in my head. Then, Louis and Harry walk in, Louis walks in his room to put his things away. Harry jumps to the seat next to me, he's smiling wide, and his dimples are showing. I give him a weak smile, Harry's smiled drops when he looks in my eyes.

“Zayn, your eyes are wet...have you been crying?”

I shake my head, “Harry, I did a bad thing. And I feel real bad Harry, I feel really bad!”

“Zayn, what are you talking about? What did you do?” Harry asked as he raises his eyebrow at me.

“I—I kissed Riley, well she implied the kiss and I kissed her back…”

Harry’s jaw drops completely “B—but I thought you said you were done with her, and I thought Liam was kind of seeing her now?”

I close my eyes, and nod my head slowly, “I know, but I didn't mean to hurt him. I really didn't!”

I shove my head in his chest, as he embraces me. “Harry, I don't know what to do. I lost my best friend, and I think for good this time.”

Harry strokes my hair, in a comforting way. “Shh, Zayn it's okay. Maybe if you talk to him, it'll be okay.”

I jump up, “No Harry, it won't! Don’t say it will be okay, because I know it won’t be…”

Harry looks at me with his intense green eyes, “Zayn, look at me. Liam may be mad, but he's your best friend and he cares about you more than he cares about Riley. So I know for a fact that he won't stop caring about you, no matter what.”

I nod my head, “I'll talk him.” Harry smiles, and pats my back. 


I walk to Liam's room, and turn the doorknob. I see him in the dark corner clenching a stuffed turtle, I see tears glistening in his eyes, and then I see a blood droplets his light brown carpet. I walk closer, he looks up at me.


His voice sounds so raspy, and so—so broken, I hate seeing him like this. I sigh and open my mouth to talk, “Li—”

“Zayn, why'd you do it?” He says cutting me off, he now looking out the window as he speaks and not at my face.

“Liam, I am so sorry. I don't know why I did it, when I saw how much you cared about Riley it hit me that I lost her, so I tried to her back—knowing you cared more about her than I even did.” I say trying to get him to look me in the eye.

“But Zayn, you don’t understand. I—I love her…” Liam says in a quiet voice.

I shut my eyes, and wince at his statement, “Liam, I understand that, but—”

“No, Zayn you don't. If you did you wouldn't do this to me, you know how I felt.” Liam says as little tears appear in his eyes again.

“Liam, please just look at me, please. I—I am so sorry. I can't believe I did this to you, even after I dumped Riley. I don't know why I did Liam, honest. But I saw the way you look at her and I could tell you really care about her.”

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