Down the Rabbit Hole

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*Mugman is typing something into a keycard*

Mugman: Alright, Cuppy. If we wanna figure this mystery out, we need some new info.

Cuphead: how are you sure this will work? If this plan fails, we could die like they are! 

Mugman: They need us. We come through everytime! How is this any different?

Cuphead: ...I don't know, Mugs. This seems too risky.

Mugman: RISKY?! Cuphead, your never like this! Your the king of risks, bud. 

Cuphead: People are DYING out there due to this... sickness.

Mugman: That's true, but we need to figure out what it IS, exactly!

Cuphead: Yeah, lets do it, your right. 

Mugman: Alright, lets go... We can't screw this up.

*Cuphead and Mugman run off*

Cuphead: Are you sure this will work?

Mugman: Positive. 

Cuphead: We need some form of defense in case we're attacked. 

Mugman: Hmm.... I can make us some bow and arrows...

Cuphead: Let's do that...

*Later, at Porkrind's shop*

Cuphead: Oh no... they got to Porkrind, too.

*Porkrind is slumped on his desk*

*Mugman takes some bows and arrows*

Cuphead: MUGMAN!

Mugman: Oh, sorry... its just... we can't let these items go to waste.

Cuphead: *sighs* Your right... This sickness has wiped some of the first isle out. 

Mugman: Come on...


Grim Matchstick: Alright... I gotta contact Gwen, I can't-

Wally Warbles: Grim?

Grim Matchstick: Agh-! Uhh... Hey, Wally...

Wally Warbles: Hey, crazy sickness happening, huh?

Grim Matchstick: Yeah... its crazy...

Wally Warbles: Who were you talking to?

Grim Matchstick: I... I was talking to myself.

Wally Warbles: Err... okay... 

Grim Matchstick: Why don'tcha head home... 

Wally Warbles: I... uhh.... alright... *He walks off*

Grim Matchstick: ...Gwen, pick up...


Cuphead: Alright, we're almost there.... 

Mugman: Where are we heading, exactly...

Cuphead: I- *Suddenly, he sees a beam of light eroding from Grim's castle* ...Grim's castle.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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