Chapter 11

10 2 7

(5 month later)

(Let me catch you up to speed on what happened to us haha teen top is on tour right now so I have been chilling with them on there tour bus Neil hasn't been bugging me as much also my leg is better so no more of me limping haha oh and I know u want me to say something about me and Min soo well we are)

(Min soo) princess come on we are getting food

(Kc) I'm coming

(She grabs his hand and the get out of the tour bus and walk into the restaurant)

(Neil) well good morning sleepy head

(Kc) hi

(They all walk over to a table and they sit down but there isn't enough chairs so Min soo and Kc share a chair aka she sits on his lap)

(Neil) she falling back to sleep

(Min soo whispers in her ear) baby wake up

(Kc) I am awake

(Neil) lose the Attitude

(Kc) leave me alone

(Min soo) just let her be

( they all order food)

(Min soo) food is here princess

(She opens her eyes just to see food and the other members staring at her)

(Kc) what

(Neil) no one is looking at u just eat some food

(Min soo gives her some of his food)

(Min soo) here princess eat this

(She eats half of his plate and he eats the rest once they all done all of them pay and they head back into the tour bus they all chill in there mini rooms aka just there bed that has a curtain so they have privacy)

(Min soo) do u want to go back to sleep

(She lays down on his chest and falls back to sleep and he just lays there and watches tv while she sleeps after 2 hours pass they get to the hotel since they will be in this one spot for 2 days)

(Min soo) come on princess we are at the hotel

(They all get out of the tour bus and head inside the hotel the manager gets them there own rooms and me and Min soo share a room so the manger tells them to do what they need and to be down here by noon so they can head over to the spot where there going on stage he hands them there keys and they go off to there room)

(In there room)

(Min soo) I'm gonna shower can u put our clothes in the dresser please

(Kc) sure

(He gives her a kiss and goes to shower)

( she does what he wanted her to do and the just sits on there bed)

(Well I guess you can figure out what me and Min soo are and if u didn't get the memo we are finally dating we have been going strong for 1 and half months and yes the company knows the boys know it's just the fans don't which is good it's to soon for them to know what they know is that we are just good friends and that's all they see it's kinda hard to not kiss him in public but we do good for now oh I guess I should tell u that he took me out on a date and then he asked me to be his girlfriend it was very lovely like him I just hope he tells me I love u he says he doesn't want to go to fast but my guy u kiss me like it's nothing but u can't say I love you sigh men are confusing but it's ok I will wait for it)

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