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PENANCE - a reparation for wrong

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PENANCE - a reparation for wrong

That day, my eyes opened before the sun had even started to drift through the dark paned windowsill. Desperate for an ounce of sleep after such a long and excruciatingly restless night, I rolled over in the hopes that I would drift back into my dreamland. But alas, my already racing mind was filled with possibilities of how today's events could take place.

I grudgingly lifted myself from the silk sheets, placing my feet on the cold floor and wishing that time would speed up. My dark, icy room seemed so vast that it threatened to swallow me whole. I reached for my wand, flicking my wrist as the small lamp adjacent to my bed illuminated itself. Now, with the warm glow of light, the regal artifacts curated from around the world seemed less daunting. The magical paintings of beautiful scenes and women in gowns of gold and creatures from enchanting places started to dance as the light hit them.

I am very fond of art. Each time my parents would travel, they would bring back a piece, each one as magnificent as the last. I looked around my jewel-toned room, taking notice of things I hadn't in a while, the crown of sapphire that my father had brought home from France, a silver handheld mirror of diamonds from Russia, a string of pearls from the coast of Greece. Running my fingers through my sleep-ridden hair, I got up and made my way to the dress I was to wear to the long-awaited dinner tonight.

I had been dreaming of this day for years now, going over every possible scenario in my head. A nervous excitement bubbled inside my stomach, but it was soon matched with a sense of pride. Finally, I thought to myself, I will be noticed.

I readied myself for the day, brushing through my hair and dressing. The breeze flowing through my window was cool and smelled of the early morning dew that the sun had not yet had a chance to dry. I pulled a dark, knit sweater over my sleep clothes and left my bedroom.

I arrived in the greenhouse where my mother and father were enjoying breakfast. "Selene, darling, you are up early this morning" my mother spoke softly as I kissed her cheek.

"Couldn't sleep" I said shortly as I sat down. My father kissed my forehead as he poured a cup of tea and milk.

"Big day." He said in a tone I couldn't quite read, proud, disengaged, unaffectionate. One of our house elves, Pimsy, brought over a silver tray with a wonderful breakfast spread full of fresh fruits, toast, and jams of all sorts. I gave her a nod in return, she bowed and strode off without a word. I ate in silence as my mother embroidered a cloth and my father read the Daily Prophet. Mornings like this were quite normal, my parents weren't big on talking. My family isn't what you would call tender. My parents are cold and calculating, always proper and polite. They care more about their image than the idea of fun. It doesn't bother me anymore, I have grown up past foolish and childlike desires of affection and play.

"Where is Berrett?" I asked no one in particular. Barrett was the name of my brother, my parents' pride and joy. He was the one that would carry on the Creswell name, the one who would bring honor and glory to our family and maintain our pureblood status. I, on the other hand, would have to marry into a noble family and hope that they upheld their reputation so I did not ruin my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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