Chapter 3 (rewritten)

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     After about 15 minutes I stepped out of the headmasters office holding a white uniform in hand. Those last 15 minutes though....that was the longest 15 minutes of my life. The headmaster was so, bubbly? I felt like it had drain a good chunk of my life.

     After talking a moment to collect myself I grabbed the luggage i left by the outside the door and started to make my way to the night dormitory. This time I hoped I wouldn't get lost since I received a map form the headmasters as well.

     Softly I hummed to myself as I took in my seroundigs. The school wasn't overly impressive but it was breathtaking nonetheless. Truly I wouldn't mind living here for the time being. Slowly I came to a halt infant of the gates. I wasn't 100% sure this was the smartest path for me to take but I've already come so far.

    Taking a deep breath i showed the gard my id card and proceeded to enter. The dorms themselves were massive. If I hadn't already scene the school I would have thought this was it. Once I reached the doors, I placed my uniform on top of the luggage and used my free hand to push the big wooden door open.

     Upon entering there was a unoccupied living area. Usually I'd find it strange for such a space to be empty but, I was living with vampires now and I was the odd one out in this situation." If I remember correctly...he said room 34 right?" I mumbled to myself as i made my way over to the staircase. It was really going to be inconvenient "fixing" my sleep schedule. Why would anyone want to sleep during the day when so much could be done during that time.

   Lost in my train of thought, I hadn't noticed someone was in front of me until I was right on top of them. Quickly I stepped back and bowed in apology, as I rubbed my head." Didn't we meet not long ago?" The familiar male voice asked. Quickly I straightened up and looked up at the brown haired boy in front of me." Kuran-San!" (A/N yes we're doing this) I exclaimed before I uttered a hasty apology." So you were a vampire. I had thought so but something just seemed to be off about you." He said in a way where I could tell he ment no harm with his words." Well that's no surprise since I'm not fully a vampire." I shyly said in reply.

    Kaname simply nodded and didn't bother to press forward either out of consideration or he had just contacted the dots." Are you lost again?" He smiled gently but i had i feeling it was more of a joking kind of jab towards me that I couldn't help but giggle at." I wouldn't say lost yet, but I'd appreciate if you show me to room 34 before your words come to fruition." I  jokingly responded. My little joke only got an amused smile in return, but I'd take that. With nothing more to say he jestured me to follow him.

(A/N) I'm back im bored and I searched it up and apparently vampire knight takes place in japan so imma use honorifics cause i can. Also I feel like i can't write Kaname for shit send help!!! Also might write a chapter tomorrow but no promises.

Vampire Knight X Reader:Kaname And Zero X Reader *being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now