Daughter of Lies and.... what?

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My dream is not exactly a dream. Or a nightmare.

More of a memory -thousands of memories- from a version of myself that died long ago.

"Wake up! Nehena!"

My eyes pop open. "What."

"You're missing breakfast. It's oatmeal. Again."

I roll out of bed and face the blond standing in front on me. "And that's something that I'm.. missing out on?"


"Daye. Nehena. Come, you two. We are battle training again today," Susorro, a tall, imposing woman, says.

Her hand reaches out and grabs my arm.

Her grip is strong, unbreakable. Cruel.

She drags us out into the courtyard, where two other children are waiting. Araneria and Kyle are fidgeting on their feet.

Araneria offered a small smile, but it's full of worry, "Hey."


I have an unnamed man pinned under my arm. He's lying on his back, struggling feebly. I risk a look up at Susorro. "What do I do now?"

"Kill him," She replies steadily, "You are our king's daughter. You must be quick, cunning, elegant.

"You must be ruthless."

So there I was. A stupid twelve year girl, forced to do the unthinkable. All because of who her father was. And who he wanted me to be.

There is a moment where I am me again. Nehena, The girl who fought back against Loki.

And then I'm pulled back under the waves.

My screams are echoing through the steel room. Pain comes in waves, each one crashing against my skull and vibrating through the rest of me.

Panic took over for a moment as thoughts of an endless pain crept up in my mind.

What if this agonizing stabbing pain would never stop shooting through me? Wave after wave kept coming. Desperate for some form of relief I sought out every solution.

"The pain shouldn't be more than a minor nuisance to you," Susorro said helpfully, "You are a goddess. Find your strength."

But, right now, it is far more than that.

I let out a yelp, part desperation and part determination. But after a few more moments of pure focus.. the pain numbs.

Susorro, across the room, flinches. She allows herself the smallest of smiles, then reaches to the control panel and shuts the machine off. And everything vanishes into quiet nothingness.


"Will you tell me a bedtime story?"

A pause.

Then, "Gedis was a hugely regarded and vastly esteemed god. Life was a dominant element this divine being was associated with." Susorro recites, "But you, Nehena, are more powerful than him.

"Because you are Death. And Life is temporary. Death is inevitable. Death is forever. That is why you will take on the role of Death in project Apocalypse."


I allowed myself the smallest of smiles, and walked up to my father. "The stage is set, the cast is ready. Are you ready for, well, the dress rehearsal?"

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