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It was the 4th anniversary of her mother's death. 16 year old Santia was about to join her father and uncle to put fresh flowers on her mother's gravestone. She stayed back in the car to put on a jacket on before going out and joining her father and uncle. The air seemed a bit harsher and unusually cold that night.

As she tried to regain her composure and get rid of the strange feeling in her gut, a hand grasped her wrist and a scream nearly slipped out before her uncle covered her mouth, looking at his niece with a sense of urgency and warning. She didn't realise what was happening, but that's when she saw them. Prophets. They were easily recognisable with their green attire that stood out even more in the darkness of the graveyard, under the harsh moonlight.

Santia heard the group of men speaking to her father and those two sentences would be permanently engrained into her memory. She sends her regards. Your lil' girl is next, Muerto. Before her or her uncle could even attempt to do anything, it was already too late and the two were heavily outnumbered. The next sound that they heard was a single gunshot ringing through the graveyard; killing Santia's father right where her dead mother's body was put to rest.

Santia and her uncle had no time to react, once they were sure the Prophets had left, they sped back to the late Muerto's home; a place Santia would soon try her hardest to forget. Her uncle, Cazador, ordered her to quickly pack as many of her personal belongings as she could.

Barely processing the events that just occurred, Santia managed to pack her suitcase, unaware of what she had even packed in them. It was as if she was on autopilot. This would her first, but definitely not last time functioning on autopilot.

"Tio, where am I supposed to go? I can't just leave Freeridge like this", she asked as she realised her uncle was heading in the direction of the airport.

"Mija, you can't stay here anymore. You'll have to go to your Tia's. I'm sorry, Solecita, but it's not safe for you here. You can come back once everything cools down", Cazador replied.

"What about Oscar and Cesar? I can't just leave them here. They're my family too", but Santia knew this was the right thing to do. With the leader of Los Santos being murdered by Prophets, a gang war was inevitably going to break out and anyone that stood in the way would simply be collateral damage. It's not like the police or authorities would do anything about it.

However, didn't stop her from worrying about her family that she would be leaving behind. Oscar would never forgive her for leaving like this. They were supposed to make it out of Freeridge together, a team like they always have been. What about Cesar? Who would take care of him? Oscar was undeniably a good brother, but he didn't know how to take care of a child all by himself, especially with all the Santo work he's been immersed in.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of them. I just need to make sure you're in a safe place, mija. This is what my brother would've wanted me to do" Cazador said, interrupting her thoughts and somehow answering the question that badgered on in her mind. While she knew Cazador would take care of the two boys that were like sons to him, she couldn't help but worry.

At this point, the two were both unknowingly shedding tears remembering the events that had led up to this exact moment. They had both lost a man they loved; a brother and a father. How ironic it truly was, a man named destroyer and a girl named sunshine crying together. It was almost as if all the brightness of Santia's life was being destroyed in a single night.

This seemed to be the beginning of the end for Santia Luz Reyes.


I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story! For Santia's face claim I was imagining a mix between Ammika Harris and Cindy Kimberly, because Santia's half Asian and half Latina. Sooo I'm not sure yet, but you can picture her however you want! :))

As the story goes on, I'll add more characters to the cast list, so if you have any ideas for any of the upcoming characters pleeaaase comment xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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