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No one's pov

        Many kids would enjoy having toys, a gift from their late relative, a surprise gift for your birthday, a gift even for the holiday.


Not everyone received their gift....

       "Mom? birthday is coming up, do you think maybe we can get me a toy?..." You said as you looked at the window of a toy store.

"I'm sorry Honey...I just don't have enough for the toy.." you mother said

"Oh..." You replied looking down

You were seven years old, you lived with your mom, well....not in the house.

You two actually lived on the streets, your mother would struggle on finding a job, not because she's poor, it's because some of the business are having trouble keeping themselves a float. You didn't live in a nice neighborhood either...

Your mother was scavenging through the garbage looking for food

You've decided to help by looking at the restaurants, you went to a Chinese food and see a box of unfinished fortune cookies and a plastic container of half eaten food, you carefully looked around and grabbed them then you ran to your mom.

     Your mom coughed as she laid down on the ground, you went over to her "mom..I found some food for us" you said

Your mom smiled softly, "wonderful sweetie, let's open it.." she said

You opened the plastic container, she smiled "now let's say our prayers.." your mom said

      You and your mom were religious but not crazy religious, your mom is the nicest person. You've never met your father your whole life you lived without him.

Your mother would always teach you never to steal, never be rude or judge someone by their looks, share your love equality.

Years gone by and now your 10, you still lived in the streets with your mother, however she was growing sick, she would cough loudly and harshly, sometimes blood would come out of her mouth.

     Your mom brought you to a church as you two were praying your mother fainted.

"M-Mom?..." You said as you tried to wake her, but she isn't responding "Mom!...please..wake up.." you got worried as you keep shaking your mom's arm

"Oh dear child what happened?...." The priest asked worriedly as he went to your mother and placed two fingers on your mother's neck, there was a slight pulse "Get the ambulance quick!" The priest yelled as the Nun nodded and went to the phone and called the ambulance

The ambulance showed up and you went with the priest to the hospital.

       A few hours went by and you were in the play area playing with some of the toys, you were really happy that you get to play with actual toys instead of rocks, sticks, and dead bugs.

Meanwhile your mother is on life support while the doctor explain the situation to the Priest, "I'm sorry.....but she doesn't have much to live...." He said to him

You snuck by and leaned your head to the door opening it to see your mother on the hospital bed

"I'm afraid she has stomach cancer....there's a way to help her, but it might cost you, she doesn't have insurance sadly...." The doctor said

The priest looked sad, he then sighed "alright...thank you for your time..." He said

You quickly went back to the play area as the Doctor said you can go into the room

You rushed into the room and looked at the priest, of course you were just a child, the priest kneeled down to you and in a gentle way as possible told you that "God gave your mother a new heaven....when you look up in the stars...always know that she's watching you...and she'll send down the whitest doves to give you company..." The priest said

That was 13 years ago.....

Your Pov

      I was taken in by the priest after when my mother died, I still missed her, her lullaby was the only warmth that I remember, the priest raised me, fed me, I was even bathed by the nuns, they raised me as if I was their child.

I went to a Catholic school, and I learned so much, after I graduated I am studying medical to become a doctor. However I wasn't accepted....into medical school

I now work as a babysitter I would work at an ice cream place on Saturday to Monday, but I would go to church on Sunday to pray

I live in a small house with a one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, basically everything I needed, it wasn't much but it has really nice people and the kindest neighbors.

I was walking to the store to buy some groceries when I accidentally bumped into a woman, "oh my I am so sorry, are you alright?.." I asked, "I'm fine it's okay, I wasn't paying attention" she chuckled

"Mom I'm going with Andrew and Bonzo! We're going to the playground!" A small boy with brown hair said smiling

"Alright be careful dear!" The woman said smiling back, "come on Bonzo!" The boy said to a 'dog'?, They then left the store

"You have such a sweet child" I said with a smile, "ah yes that was my son Markus, he's such an angel" the woman said as I chuckled softly

"I'm Sandra by the way" she said, "(Y/N), that's my name of course" I said smiling, she smiled and said "that's a wonderful name, say...uh...I know we met but I've been kinda looking for a babysitter to look after Markus and Andrew, me and his mother are going on a business trip for a few weeks, would you be interested?..." Sandra asked

        I smiled brightly, "of course! I love children and I'm great with them, what time would you like me to come?.." I asked, "oh this Friday, I hope you aren't busy by then" Sandra replied.

"No it's not a problem that's where I get my break although I do have to go to church on Sundays, I hope you won't mind if I bring the boys along.." I said

"No I don't think so, it's nice to hear that your a Christian, I am as well" Sandra said giggling softly

I smiled "well I have to get going I'll see you later!" I said happily

"Bye now!" Sandra said as she went into the next aisle

But little do you know....

                   Someone was watching you....

                                                                            They grinned as they went back to their business while wearing a trench coat.......

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