Being Me Sucks Right Now

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I cant stop throwing up. I feel like taking a knife and throwing it at some bodies face. I sat on the bus looking out the window thinking as to why Ive been throwing up lately.

When I arrived at the school my principal brought me into his office.

"Violet you are now an eight grader. Here is your new schedule. All your teachers have been notified, your old ones and new ones. Good luck" he smiled and handed me my new schedule. It said
Summit Middle Charter School
Student: Violet Daniels DOB: 06-12-01
Grade: 08
Homeroom Teacher: Mrs. Lyder.

Woah, this is pretty cool. I'm an 8th grader!

I walked to her room and she greeted me.

"Why hello Violet! Welcome to homeroom, you can sit wherever theres an open seat." She smiled and I nodded. I sat in the back next to a boy.

"Are you new?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

"Then why are you just now coming into this homeroom?" He bugged me.

"Because I got skipped up a grade. Leave me alone." He looked away.

The final bell rang and I walked to my bus. As usual, I say in the very back and tried to take a nap. Notice how I said try? I got home and expected to be alone but mom and dad were here with angry looks on their faces.

"Hi." I said.

"Violet Eloise Daniels. Are you pregnant?!" My dad yelled. I was shocked. For two reasons, 1. He never yells and 2. Why on the earth would he believe that I was pregnant?! I've never even had se-

Oh, yeah. That night.

"No why would you even ask that!?" I said. "We got a call from The Meyers saying that they found a positive pregnancy test in Lucas possession. Violet, have you and Lucas had....." My mom said. I sighed.

"Yes." I looked away so I wouldn't have to see the disappointed looks on their faces.

"Daddy I'm sorry!" I told him.

"Just.... Just go upstairs." He said. I obeyed him not trying to make him any angrier. I sat in my room and texted Lucas.

'Was that pregnancy test the reason you stuck your hand in between my legs when I was peeing that day?'

I waited a while for a response.

'Yeah.. Babe I'm sorry! I knew you were before I got the test! I just had to make sure. Your probably angry with me and I understand why.'

I wasn't angry at him for doing it, Im angry at him because he didn't tell me. I thought of how I was going to respond.

'In not mad at you, just upset as to why YOU didn't tell me.. I don't feel good. I'll text you later. '

I went to the bathroom and threw up once again. My mom came into my room and sat down.

"Violet.. How do you feel baby?" She asked me softly.

"Not good. I'm disappointed in myself." I admitted.

"Its OK honey, he's just upset because you didn't tell us." She said and I looked up.

"Mom I didn't even know! Lucas did the test. He held in between my legs as I peed. I didn't feel good so I didn't know what he was doing." I told her. She motioned me to give her a hug so I gave her a hug.

"Let's go talk to dad sweetheart... It'll be OK. I'll sit next to you OK?" I nodded. I got the courage to walk downstairs with her. My dad was sitting with his hands on his head.

"Come here Violet.." He said with his arms open for a hug.

"I'm sorry daddy!" I said crying. I could tell he's holding back his tears as well.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us? I wouldn't be as upset as I am now." He asked me and I sighed.

"Dad I swear on everything I love that I didn't know until now. When you told me they told you that's when I found out. I promise!"

"Then how does Lucas have a Pregnancy test that's positive?" He asked.

"I want feeling good but I had to pee so he held the test while I peed. I didn't know he had the test. I just thought he was examining my pee for some reason." He softened up after we actually talked about it.

"The important question is, are you keeping it?" My mom asked.

"I don't know yet.." My family didn't believe in abortion so either way I'm going to end up giving birth. I don't know if I'm keeping it or not.

"Well, whether you are or not, were going to support anything you decide. Were here for you Violet." My dad said and kissed my head.

"Thanks daddy." I smiled

"Your welcome baby girl." I stayed in the kitchen with my mom while we talked.

"So.... What was your experience like?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I laughed. My mom is the one person I know I can tell anything to.

"I don't know mom. I was high..." I said.

"Oh and you smoked for the first time?! That's the rebellion I'm taking about!" She gave me a high five.

"That's one thing we can NOT share with your father." I nodded in agreement.

"AGREED." she chucked and I smiled. We talked about the baby and how life would be different when it gets here.

"Any ideas of names?"

"Not really. Names are the last thing I'm worried about. I think it's weird to be picking names when I don't even know how far long I am." I said

"I choose Violet Eloise the day I found out I was pregnant." She shrugged. That's very weird.

"How did you know I was going to be a girl."

"Eh, I didn't." She laughed. I chucked at my silly mother.

"Well, I'll set you up a doctors appointment.. Love you baby." She said and went upstairs.

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