Schooled {Destiel}

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I started this maybe a year ago?? And just finished it now! It's not that great but I hope you enjoy!
Teen AU

"I would like for you all to read chapter three over the weekend," the teacher, Rowena calls as she hands out the marked assignments. "And do read over the notes I've left on your essays-"

Dean looks up as she pauses next to him, her gaze staying locked on his own as she places his essay face down onto his desk. Her expression sat somewhere between annoyed and concerned, with her lips pressed in a tight line but eyes wide.

Frankly Dean wasn't sure which he would prefer.

"Are you able to talk after class Dear?" She asks softly, Dean only managing to give a small nod of his head before she walks off again. "And have a good weekend everyone," Rowena calls just as the bell rings.

As the rest of the class begins getting up, collecting their bags, and sorting through papers Dean doesn't move his gaze instead resting on the paper. Slowly he flips the page over, his heart seeming to stop as his eyes land on the 8.5/20 written in the top corner; a circle had been drawn around it as if the bright red wasn't enough to get his attention. The text that covered the page had been marked with corrections, pointing out various grammar mistakes, and other errors.


That's all Dean can think as Rowena walks back to his side and crouches next to his desk.

"Dean," she begins softly, her tone gentle, too gentle. Why couldn't she just yell at him, it'd be easier. It wouldn't bring the weight to his stomach, or the burning to the tip of his nose. "I asked you to write a five paragraph essay on how war affects humanity using the texts we've been reading over the past month." She pauses, "you gave me a paragraph."

He clenches his jaw, forcing a small nod, "you chose three texts, each of those should have had their own paragraph where you explained why you chose them. We talked about this together, do you remember?"

Another nod of his head. His lips part, a shaken breath filling his lungs, then exiting, staying that way until he's sure he won't cry. "I didn't have enough time," Dean whispers

"I gave you an extra week to finish this."

Finally he looks up away from his essay and to his teacher's wide eyed gaze. "I think you need to begin focusing more in class and less on your friends."

Dean doesn't reply, he doesn't think he can.

"There's only so much I can help you with. You need to start trying yourself."

"I am trying."

"Have you been meeting with your tutor? writing the notes? Reading the practise I give you?" He looks back to his essay, the paper shaking slightly in his hands. "Dean, I know you struggle with english but unless you put the effort in it isn't going to be easier." Rowena pauses. "You aren't even showing up half the time."

Why would he?

So he could feel stupid?

So he could sit numb in his spot pretending to understand the blur of words in front of him. Be asked questions he didn't know the words to, and get yelled at for interrupting again. Every ticking second burning against his skin, the boredom dragging on, mixed with the drowning feeling of not understanding.

Why the fuck would he come.


"I need to go."

"Can we please finish talking, we need to find a solution."

Dean doesn't listen, instead grabbing his backpack from the floor, throwing it over his shoulder as he stomps out of the classroom. He makes his way through the school and to the parking lot, pulling open the driver door of Baby and practically falling in.

Destiel OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant