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Hope stood on the balcony of of her apartment in Milan, it was spring break and she had come here with Rafael. It was more of a business trip than Pleasure, yet he still managed to make it enjoyable. They had come here for Bonnie Bennett, Hope had been looking for her for a while. She needed her help resurrecting her parents, and she had finally tracked her down to Italy Milan. She was finally ready to approach her after figuring out her scheduled.

She planned to see her after she left the cafe she frequented every morning for breakfast. She hoped she wouldn't have to use her magic against her  but knowing how Bonnie felt about the Mikealsons, she would most likely have to.



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Hope sipped her latte from a few tables away watching Bonnie, she knew the elder witch couldn't sense her as she had placed a cloaking spell on her. As she finished paying the waitress she got up and left Hope placed a hundred dollar bill on the table , got up and left.

She waited until she got to a relative deserted street until she made her presence known.

"Bonnie." She called out.

Bonnie turned around in an instant, confused as to how this teenager knew who she was. She knew the girl was a witch she could feel small waves of power rolling off of her despite it mostly being well concealed.

"Who are you?"

Hope took a deep breath before answering. "Hope Mikealson,I'm Klaus and Hayley's daughter."

Bonnie didn't say anything she quickly raised her hand to use her magic on Hope, yet Hope moved quicker.

'Corum spiritus prohibera'

Hopes hand was slightly raised as she whispered the spell, she watched as bonnie grasped at her chest scratching at where her heart rested as hope squeezed it constricting her blood flow. She figured the elder witch was starting to feel the heavy, tight feeling in her chest as the lack of blood flow started to cause angina.

After a few more seconds hope released Bonnie walking towards her as she fell to the ground panting rubbing at her chest.

hope bent down to her level before speaking. " Now are you done with your stupid attempts to attack me and listen to what i have to say."

"Why would I ever listen to any one from that family,especially after you almost killed me."

Hope tilted her in confusion,she knew the woman wasn't to fond of her family but she at least though she had enough sense to not be biased to her for what happened in mystic falls all those years ago. "Well for one you tried to attack me first just based off of the family I was born to,and two what did you expect for me to just stand there let you attack me. Third your going to listen to what i have to say because it might just benefit you Bonnie Bennett." Hope smirked as she watched the light and curiosity in the witches eyes.



Hope stood in the kitchen across from Bonnie as she poured the two glasses of water, Rafael was out looking for an artifact her uncle Kol had left here over 700 years ago.

"So what's this information that you tracked me down and traveled all the way to Milan for?"

Hope handed Bonnie the glass before speaking.

"Don't worry it's not poisoned" She inclined her head at the glass after seeing Bonnie's hesitance to take the glass.

"And it's simple really, I want you to help with a spell." Hope bluntly stated.

Bonnie raised a brow at this . "why would i ever help you with a spell,besides you go to Alaric's school and you have a thousand years old family with more knowledge that i could ever give you."

Hope rolled her eyes at the mention of The Salvatore Boarding School,this didn't pass Bonnie's eyes.

"For one The Salvatore could never help me accomplish what I need to do, Alaric has made it to where the supernaturals there are crippled. You only learn defensive magic,vampires drink animal blood making the extremely weak in comparison to other vampire,and the werewolves are forced to turn chained up in concrete cages. Two, I'd prefer if no one knew what I was doing. Plus i needed a break from that school,you grow tired of being the fix it witch i'm sure you understand after all you were the fix it witch for Elena and the Salvatore."

Bonnie was shocked hearing about the school, Alaric and Caroline where Hindering those kids so much that it was dangerous. Witches couldn't survive only off defensive magic,it only does so much. Vampire needed human blood it makes them stronger and less likely to be able to defend themselves against stronger supernaturals. Beside werewolves should embrace their nature not be locked up in cages. 

"What's the spell?" What could be so bad that she wouldn't want anyone to know.

"Resurrection." She stated unmoved by the look of shock on Bonnie's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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