Curiosity killed the cat

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There it stood, not even a meter away. A tall, wooden door that has been locked for who knows how long. I drift my gaze down to the lanky silver key that lay in my palm, am I really going to do this? Yes.
Holding a slight snake in my hand, I slip the key into place and twist. A loud CLANK can be heard inside the door as all the rusty bolts and gears shift into position. One hand on the doorknob, I cautiously put some weight onto the heavy door.
Quickly I slip through the doorway and into the room, I wasn't supposed to be here but curiosity got the best of me. What could possibly be hear that's so bad?
My feet slide across the floor boards, tentatively missing most of the creaks.
Why did I think the middle of the night would be the perfect time to do this!? I'm already scared of this place as is, now I have to throw a secret room into the mix!
My thoughts are quickly side tracked when I hear...breathing? The only thought filling my head right now, those breaths are not coming from me!
I waste no time before whipping my head around to find...nothing. Nothing but dark and empty space. What was I expecting, the boogeyman? This was all just a waste- An echoing Thunk stops me in my tracks, eyes wide and heart pounding.
What. Was. That. More cautious this time, I carefully make a move to turn around when a strong gush of air knocks me off my feet. OOF! "Ouch..." I fell right on my already aching back. To make things worse, the more I try to stand up the more pressure I feel on my chest, almost as if someone...or something is pushing me down. There is nothing there...what is going on?? I finally managed to get up after a moment of struggling, but the atmosphere feels different from before, heavier. It feels like the darkness got darker and the little bit of light from the hallway was gone. Wait! When I turn toward the entrance of the room, the door is shut.
I make a break for the door, right as I outstretch my hand for the knob something grabs my ankles and dragged me away from the door. I fall once again, face first this time.
Whatever grabbed my legs is digging it's nails into my ankles, I can feel the blood trickling down the side.
The thing finally legs go but my relief was short lived. When I turned onto my back my eyes immediately latched to a pair of glowing white ones, hovering over me. In a slim second I catch a whisper off in the corner "i tried to warn you..."
That's when everything went black.

A/N - so there it is! Hope you like it :)

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