You love me, don't you?

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I wrote this for fun and if you hate it just don't read it I guess or tell what you don't like and i will try and fix it, but I'm gonna say all the trigger warnings now "suicidal thoughts, slight gore, insanity, manipulation, and toxic characters, remember this is just a story and none of these guys are actually like that in real life it's how I portray there RP characters anyways enjoy :)

 I was walking down the forest. I needed a breather from all of it. I took some deep breaths, trying to get my mind out of the dark place it was at because of Dream he put me in that dark place and left me alone, I know he did evil but why doesn't he want to see me anymore and why do I feel sad?


 A voice appeared out of nowhere I looked around but nothing 


 I shook my head then whispered "this isn't real" 

 "I can be Dream if that's what you want" the voice had spoken again but each time it spoke it was an echo-like voice.

 "I want my dream though," I said trying not to sob 

 "GEORGE IT'S ME DREAM" I run to the voice a figure appears it is Dream but what is he doing out of prison, except he looks different, he's not wearing his regular outfit which was a green hoodie with a smiley face mask and black pants, but this time his mask was different and a crack in his mask. I could see his glowing green eye shining through the broken part but instead of a smiley mask it had XD engraved into it,

 "Dream is that really you," I ask him once more "Dream are you still there," I say with almost tears forming in my eyes

"hmm he's gone" 

the voice wasn't an echo this time it was demon-like. I backed away feeling scared and started to run away from this thing that had lured me in pretending to be Dream but as I was running I realized I have nothing else to live for so if this thing kills me maybe I'll finally be free from all this tragedy and grief maybe just maybe I'd be happy, I stopped running and fell down on my knees crying "George"?

 I heard the echo-like voice it was soothing it sounded like honey to my ears, maybe it was the fact that it sounded more like Dream than anything that I had heard in a while, maybe I wanted to believe it was him maybe it was because I loved him? instead of killing me the figure had walked over to me and bent down to my level then embraced me 

"I know you miss him"

I hugged back the figure it had morphed to look exactly like him now "Dream I miss you"

 the thing in front of me didn't speak but just hugged me until I felt better, it was the only thing that cared and had stayed with me so maybe that's why I had gotten attached so quick. "Why did you look like him but different," I said asking the figure

 "Well, that's how you wanted to see me I change into what you wanna see".

"why me" I mumbled thinking it wouldn't hear it but it did "you invited me George" I pushed the figure off of me knowing this was not good "how did I invite you," I ask with fear in my voice along with a ring of confusion to it "you have an inviting presence"

 "Please just go" I started to run away again, I knew I had to get out of there and speak to real Dream about this but just as I was running away.

 another voice spoke up "GEORGE GET BACK I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU" 

"WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME" I yelled fearing for my life as I had been cornered by this thing, 

"a friend". 

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