4 - S T A R T

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It's been a few months after you've been accepted to be a kpop trainee at BigHit Entertainment. It was hard in the beginning as you had to adapt to a new schedule, but you got the hang of it now. 

Everyday your routine was:

@8:00 a.m. - Wake up and start getting ready, starting with a quick shower, simple makeup, and a quick breakfast.

@8:30 a.m. - Already be prepared and leave the house and get to school

@5:00 p.m.- Arrive at the practice room 

@6:00 p.m. - Begin lessons

@10:00 p.m. - Begin personal practice

@11:30 p.m. - Leave the practice and begin to head home 

@12:30 a.m. - Head to sleep and repeat process again

       You still lived with Yoongi as his house was close enough to the agency anyway so you didn't have to move. You had to admit, even if the agency was far from Yoongi's house, you still wouldn't have moved because of how nice and cozy it was. Not only that, but it slightly comforted you to still have your brother there to rant to and spill juicy gossip to, not that he cared much when you did, but it still gave you comfort. 

      It was 3:28 p.m. and you were already making your way to the practice room. You completed your classes for the day at 3 p.m. and you didn't see any point in waiting at home so you decided to head over to the practice room to study and do your homework. 

       You parked your Mercedes-Benz that Yoongi got for your birthday last year, and grabbed your duffel bag and your backpack. You lock the car and head inside building.  You hurriedly rush over to the practice rooms bowing respectfully as you pass by trainers and management staff. Once you enter your practice room you drop you bags and begin studying. 


       Once you finish your training for the day, you sigh and pack up as fast as you can. It was 12:07 a.m. and you were supposed to be at home right now enjoying a nice warm bubble bath. But unfortunately, you lost track of time as you were overly focused on perfecting a dance routine your dance instructor had taught you earlier in the day. Because of the delay, it messed up your schedule and you weren't very happy about it. You liked everything to be right on time and in tune with the schedule so when something went wrong that messed it up (which rarely happens) you didn't feel to good for the rest of the day. Regardless, you tried your best to make it back home in time to be asleep by 1 a.m. It wasn't the exact plan you had for the day but you had to make some adjustments. 

       While you were driving home you suddenly got startled from your ring tone and it startled you even more when you realize who the call was from. It was from your manager and you immediately picked it up knowing full well that if you didn't pick it up your whole life career could be ruined. 

"안녕하세요 Y/n , 지금 어디 계세요?" [Hello Y/n, where are you right now?] I hear my training manager, Jung Dae-Seong say from the phone.

Still curious as to why he called, you answer hesitantly.

"나는 지금 집으로 운전하고있다." [I'm driving home now.]

"좋은. 곧 집에 도착하기를 바랍니다. 방시혁이 내일 훈련 전에 만나자고했다고 알려 드리고자 전화를드립니다." [Good. Hope you get home soon. I'm calling to inform you that Bang Si-hyuk has asked to meet you before training tomorrow.]

The Way We Get By ||J.JK||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن