Miss, are you alright?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  HELLO! My name is Aditi, I'm a 24 years old Indian woman living in New Delhi, India. This is my first time posting something on wattpad and I'd really appreciate any comments/constructive feedback any of you might have, so, please feel free to tell me on the comments section! I also have a writblr blog on tumblr, where I'll be posting stuff like excerpts, headcanons and artbreeder portraits of the characters! you can find it here: https://aditiwrites.tumblr.com/

It was almost noon by the time the taxi slowly exited the busy Khaosan Road and turned onto a much quieter side street

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It was almost noon by the time the taxi slowly exited the busy Khaosan Road and turned onto a much quieter side street. In the backseat, Samaira Tripathi sat with her shoes off. She was sweating profusely, and her crinkled business suit clung to her damp tanned skin uncomfortably. Scorching sunlight was seeping in through the windows on both sides, and she didn't even have to look at herself in the taxi's rear-view mirror to know that her face was redder than a tomato. She could feel it was. The loose curls that framed her face were also drenched in sweat, sticking to her nape in a way that only added to her overall stress. She impatiently looked at the navigation app open on her phone for the millionth time and had to squint her eyes at the screen just to make out the small blue arrow that showed the taxi's movement as the brightness of the sunlight pouring in was overpowering her iPhone screen. Thankfully, they were now right around the corner from the guest house she had booked a room at. The brunette quickly slipped the phone back into her coat pocket and pulled her shoes back on with bated breath.

God, this was already starting to feel like a very bad idea. What had she been thinking? Running away like this.

The taxi finally slowed to a halt in front of a large four-story building, the sudden lack of motion snapping Samaira out of her anxious thoughts. With a cursory glance at the meter, she handed the driver a wad of Thai bahts bills she had been clutching in her hand for almost twenty minutes.

"Thank you. Please keep the change." She said politely as she shouldered both her carry-on bags and picked up her suitcase. Pushing the door open with a click, she carefully exited the green-yellow vehicle before the driver could say anything to her.

Once outside, she placed her heavy suitcase on the ground just as the taxi sped away, and tilted her head slightly to look up at the tall building in front of her. The Sunrise Guest House looked identical to how it had looked in the pictures she'd seen on its TripAdvisor reviews page. That observation alone eased some of the tension in between her brows. Just as a small sense of relief blossomed in the pit of her stomach, though, her iPhone started ringing as if on cue, vibrating violently inside her coat pocket. The sudden shrill sound of it made her flinch guiltily. Narayan had probably figured out that she was missing by now.

She debated for a moment if she should answer it. Thinking better of it, she swiftly took the phone out, turned it off, and slipped it back into her coat pocket.

She can do this. She mentally reassured herself. Rooting around her small purse, she then pulled out a bright pink scrunchie and used it to pull the sweaty mess of her curls up into an uneven high ponytail. After taking a few deep breaths, she started walking towards the hotel's entrance with sure steps, deliberately ignoring the loud beat of her pounding heart in her ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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