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Itadori woke to the blaring of an alarm in his face.

He idly reached out for his phone, silencing its cry as he dropped it near his legs. A sigh left his mouth. The phone landed with a content   – thud –   before silence finally enveloped the room once again.

Staring at the ceiling, the boy laid in bed for a while; his mind racing through the remnants of memories from the night before. He had managed to make a start on his essay but knew he was nowhere near close to finishing. He heaved up his aching body, in search for the phone he had discarded a few moments prior.

After a shower and makeshift breakfast, he was ready to leave for the hospital. It was a little before half-ten and the nurse hadn't called yet, but Itadori couldn't help the wrenching feeling in his stomach.

He had seen, the previous night, that there was a small lake near the hospital that seemed walking distance. Deciding that he might as well get himself out of his dingy apartment; he now stood beside the water, and couldn't believe how utterly beautiful it was.

The distance he saw it from yesterday did no justice to how it looked in the vivid display of dawn.

Orange and pink tones from the rising sun reflected onto the water, scattering their shades and colouring the nearby trees and nature in a similar hue. A small smile spread across the boy's face as he walked along the water's edge.

He shuddered, realising it was considerably colder in the morning rather than mid-day when he had initially explored this area. And the hoodie-with-a-jacket combo wasn't helping the male feel much warmer.

Soon enough, Itadori received the call he had been anticipating, which informed him of his grandfather's soon arrival. He let out a sigh and briefly clasped his hands together to blow some warm air to them before making his way back to the hospital.

Maybe.. maybe that boy will be there aga– No. Nope.

Itadori greeted the nurse as he walked in. She seemed a little distraught but smiled upon seeing the boy. He took his hand from his pocket and shyly waved at her.

'Morning..' He spoke a little wearily himself.

'Morning, sweet. Your grandad should be ready for visitors soon. They're trying to wire him up at the moment.' She sighed and walked back behind the computer at her desk. 'He'll be in room 107.'

Itadori nodded and watched a couple of nurses head toward him and the woman. They said something he couldn't hear then looked at him, a semi-fake smile plastered across their faces, or at least Itadori thought so.

'I can take you to your grandad now. I'm sure you've already been told the room but I can take you there since it's your first time.' One doctor from the group said calmly and gestured for him to follow, which Itadori did, cautiously.

The doors' signs twisted into a blur as they walked, and trying to count them, like he used to, became a challenge.

'He's just in here, kid.' Itadori halted, his body just inches from the back of the doctor's. 'There's a phone inside if you need a doctor or nurse.' The woman smiled and left before Itadori could think to ask anything.

107. The sign stood out. It held an air of discomfort but, nevertheless, the boy took a deep breath and knocked before entering.

The door's lock clicked open and he walked in, counting the tiles on the floor until he could turn around to close it. The room was suffocating. The air was thick and the scent was something Itadori wished he wasn't so accustomed to. He felt the pin of the door fall back into place and his shoulders sagged in almost relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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