Admiring The Loss

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I headed straight for the room of requirements and when I entered, Lil and James were there already.

"So, how did it go?"

"Interesting." I nodded.

"Interesting how?" Lil smirked.

"Dad and mum caught me together. I think Dad's onto us." I bit my lip.

"I'd be surprised if he wasn't." Lil sighed.

"What about Mum?"

"She's the reason, I didn't get into interrogation with dad. She told him to knock it off and let us be."

"Classic mum." James cackled.

"Anyway, I didn't get much. Dad's going to go back to the Ministry and Mum's going of to Grandmum Molly's. Apparently you and Teddy are staying there." I looked over at James. He simply smirked. Usually James was a pain in my arse but he'd gone solemn since what happened with us.

"What's the plan?" Lil mumbled after a while.

"Honestly, I'm lost. How in the Merlin do we get to that hut. Every time we've tried. We've been caught." James shook his head.

"My question is what's the guarantee that she will be there this time."

"Because I saw the trial Lil." James ran a hand through his head, "She mentioned she that since she was eleven, she'd been living there after her sister hid her there." James spoke, "And she was thirty one at the moment."

"So she would be there now."

"Exactly because fifteen years from now, it will happen."

"So, she's already here." Lil added up.

"Yep." James dropped his head back, "But we all know it's going to be near damn near impossible to fight her."

"Why? You're older than her right now." Lil argued.

"Yeah but she's an animagus. A black snake. A python. She will kill us without much work. And none of us can afford to fight her. We can't go in the damn morning to find her and in the dark she's a black snake."

"Plus, i have a feeling that she might not be living there alone. I mean think about it, they won't leave an important asset alone." I dropped my head.

"Oh, oh." Lily jumped to her feet and she was holding the time turner, "I know what to do!"

"Lil, put the time turner away."

"No, why don't we go back to another year and catch her when she isn't there, she probably won't be as difficult."

"Lil..."But Lily had already started turning the time turner. James and I ran for her and then suddenly, in a white light, we dropped to the floor. I grumbled getting up and seeing that we were in a hallway. Hogwarts hallway.

"Merlin, Lily, where did you bring us!" I bit out. As soon as we stood by a corner, we heard voices. James pointed a finger on his lips for us to stay quiet and we did as he looked around the corner. I bent beside him and Lily did under me. We felt James drape his invisibility cloak over us as we watched two young students standing by the pillar, looking out. One with glasses. The other with vibrant red hair. Mum and Dad. In school robes?

"It's not possessing me, Ginny." Dad spoke, "I'm just intrigued about what a brilliant student like that, had to bring to the table."

"I think Malfoy can tell you about that." Mum responded. Just then she marched past dad to the corridor near their end and I watched her pin a silver haired boy against the wall. He reminded me so much of Scorpius.

Hinny, Furthermore (BOOK 2 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now