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As expected, Yunho and San had a wonderful time at the zoo.

They ended up seeing almost every animal, but couldn't see them all because they ran out of time

Yunho did manage to get San to buy him a cute otter plushie

At the end of the day, San offered for Yunho so spend the night at his house

Yunho obviously agreed and texted his dad to make sure it was okay

After a nice date at the park the two were now cuddled on Sans bed watching a disney movie

"Thank you" Yunho said out of no where

"For what?"

"Today, i had a lot of fun!"

"Me too! I'm just glad we got to spend the day together" San smiled as he placed a kiss on Yunhos lips

Yunho smiled and nuzzled himself closer to San

San kissed the top of the boys head and began watching the movie again

These boys were so whipped for Yunho

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