8. click Click CLiK CLICK!!!!

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"Midoriya, would you care to answer my phone, my father has been calling me all day." Todoroki sighed as he approached Deku. Midoriya(GrEmLiN MODE!!) simply smiled and took the phone, happy to help his boyfriend out of the situation he found himself in.

Midoriya looked at the phone and noticed the contact was labeled as 'flaming shit bag//father' and snorted as it popped up on the screen as Endeavor was calling. Midoriya answered, waiting 5 seconds and when he heard endeavors voice... He hung up. this repeated 9 times before Todoroki spoke up once more. 

"I don't understand. Why do you keep answering and then hanging up?" Todoroki asked as he sat next to the possibly spawn of Satan that was also known as his boyfriend. Midoriya curled up into Todoroki subconsciously and smiled lightly. 

"Because, the normal methods to confused enrage and torment will be ineffective. Observation has shown that the subject will be most vexed by someone constantly answering and hanging up the phone. Especially when given just enough time to start talking."(Chaos engaged.) Midoriya responded, waiting to finish talking before answering so Endeavor didn't catch on. 

"I have unleashed a monster."(Regretting life choices) Todoroki joked lightly. He wasn't good at joking but Midoriya's giggled let him smile and relax more.

"Click, click, click! Click!"(Chaos engaged) Midoriya giggled, it was borderline gremlin as he could practically feel Endeavor's rage and he was slightly giddy. 

"I am frightened." Todoroki sighed lightly, and light slap on his leg let him chuckle, he kissed Midoriya's frighteningly soft hair, pulling him into a hug. 

"Okay this next part is very important!"(Returning to cinnamon mode) Midoriya exclaimed as he turned to Todoroki more. 

"Next part?"(Sho confused) Todoroki asked confused. His phone was silent for a minute which he was grateful for. 

"When he calls back, act like he never called at all today." Midoriya smiled at him and Todoroki nodded. So when the contact came up, Todoroki answered. 

"Hello father." He greeted formally. "No I've not received any phone calls today." Todoroki answered his father's question. "I believe he melted his phone." He exclaimed as he looked at Midoriya in both shock and happiness. His phone was finally silent!

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