Chapter 1

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Plob rubbed her eyes to the annoying blaring of her alarm. She slams her hand on to her alarm clock groaning. Another day of school. 
    Everyone hates school right? I mean who doesnt? But Dob would enjoy it if it werent for this one person. Plob. Good lord did Plob hate her guts. The way she walks down the hallway with her disgusting squad that dresses all the same makes her retch just thinking about it. And oh does Dob have the nerves to glare at Plob every chance she gets. The fact they had 5/7 classes together did not help at all.
     But as much as Plob dreaded it she got up and started heading to the bathroom. She did all your average morning stuff taking a poop, brushing her hair and teeth, etc etc. I'm not going full into detail about her schedule because its boring.
    Plob's parents worked overseas so she never had a ride to school. So as if there was any other solution she walked to school which was only a 15-20 minute walk. Plob had woken up earlier than intended (by possibly throwing her alarm clock across the room after failing a domain in Genshin Impact) so she decided to stop by a local coffee shop to get a drink and maybe a cookie or something.
   She regretted that later on.
    The sound of bells filled the air.
     "Welcome what can I get for you!" the employee greeted Plob with a smile. Plob smiled back but that smile soon faded when a person walked in.
    "And so I told her she looked like her berrett got stomped on by a horse!" an all too familiar voice sounded throughout the room. Some witch sounding cackles followed.
   Absolutely great.
   "Hey babe!" Dob ran behind the counter and carressed the employees face. Even he looked fed up with her.
   Dob didn't take long to acknowledge Plob's Presence.
   "What are you doing here..?" Dob gave a piercing glare at Plob that even gave her squad chills.
   "I live around here dumbass I just wanted a coffee." Plob did not feel like dealing with her at 7:30 in the morning.
   "W- yknow what I'll just deal with you later at school it's too early to deal like a nuisance like you."
   'Says you.' Plob thought.
   Dob gave the employee a peck on the cheek giggling then proceeded to strut out the door as if she were some sort of god.
   "Okay sorry about that. She's a bit of a bother." The employee seemed tired of her. Plob felt bad for him.
   After getting an expresso and a sugar cookie in the shape of a beach ball (since summer is coming up) Plob continued her walk to Banana Phone High.
   After what had seemed like forever Plob entered the gates and saw Dob beating up some kid in the courtyard. She didn't even bother to interfere.
  "Hey! I still havent forgiven you for what you called me earlier! Once I'm done with him you're next!" The disgusting voice rang through the air again.
  "Looking forward to it." Plob responded. She honestly didn't care anymore and would just let whatever was going to happen happen.
   It was around lunch time and Plob had passed Dob a few times in the halls and always thought she would get her ass handed to her right there and then but it didn't happpen so she assumed she was safe.
   The teacher had let her go early due to finishing her work a bit earlier so she was sitting in the cafeteria alone waiting for her friends. Not even the lunch ladies were there.
   "I always keep my word you know." The click-clack of heels were heard. Plob shot up.
  "Now." Dob had a box cutter in hand and a devilish grin plastered her face.
   "Time to deal with you."

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