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Ok if you're someone who doesnt give a damn like me and wants these a/n stuff to get to the point then I'm letting whoever reads this know that im discontinuing this story.

If you for some reason want to read the rest of this then go ahead, it just talks about why I'm no longer continuing and a bunch of other stuff.

So I got a new phone and didnt download wattpad and stuff but a few weeks later, I look at my old phone and see like a shit ton of wattpad notifications
Like all these people voting, commenting, adding to their reading lists, and even following me
Ok like I dont wanna make up excuses as to why I dont update
But I really am getting my ass kicked by life right now lol (arent we all?) but in all honesty the biggest reason is that I just dont ship Ereri anymore.
I have no motivation for it
I'm not even that into AOT anymore. I havent even finished watching AOT season 4 but whatever, I've read most of the manga and i already know the end lol. (End was not what I expected)
I told myself that I'll keep writing because I know how I felt whenever a story that I was reading was being discontinued plus I actually like writing but I guess not when it comes to something I dont like anymore and I know how it feels to see and update after such a long time only to find out that it's an authors note or something (sorry) but I really dont see myself continuing to update and it just feels like a chore now. Plus, I just kept writing because I'm a people pleaser and I dreaded actually telling people that to don't wanna write anymore, but here I am.
I had a whole plan for how this story would go but I sont have any motivation anymore.
I still enjoy writing, but only for the things that I'm currently motivated to write, to which my writing is on ao3 now and doesnt consist of ereri content.
I know a gave a lot of people false hope saying that I'll update or something like that and I'm sorry about that.
I do read every comment, vote, and reading lost entry that I get, just so you know and it is very heartwarming.
I can't tell if I'm being dramatic with this whole explanation or something but I'm just really paranoid lol

Anyways, I'll be discontinuing this from here on out.
I probably wont even be using wattpad anymore.
I'm sorry for whoever wanted to read more.

Remember to drink water and have a good day/night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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