Shot 1

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This TS is inspired from two movies and a novel.

The movies are 'Om Shanthi Oshana' and 'A little thing called love' ; and the novel is 'Waiting For You'.

Happy reading ❤


"Gauri. Have your breakfast and go" Vasundhara yelled from the kitchen seeing her daughter rushing out

"No time momma. I'm already late" Gauri yelled back from the door step where she was wearing her shoes

"What is the hurry Gauri? You have study leave. Then why are you rushing to school?" Vasundhara asked coming towards the door with a plate of breakfast and started force feeding Gauri

"We are having group study at school momma. Let me go. I'm full" With that said Gauri rushed out of her home.

On her way, Richa joined her sulkily

"Why do I have to come with you always?" Richa asked annoyed with Gauri

"I need company at school" Gauri said with a shrug

As they reached the bus a bright smile formed on her lips.

"We are not late" Gauri squealed seeing the object of her affection coming out of the clothes mill.

Omkara Singh Oberoi

Her love!

Gauri sighed dreamily looking at the tall broad shouldered man with long hair

"Stop drooling" Richa said

"Get lost" Gauri said not taking her eyes off from Omkara who was talking to the manager of the mill.

Omkara Singh Oberoi, is a first year MBA student. Ever since Tej Singh Oberoi had a stroke two years ago, Omkara had been managing both his studies and Kalyani mills together.

Gauri doesn't exactly know when she fell in love with the man.

She had grown up seeing him around. And she had always liked him. But when the like turned into love? She do not have an answer for that.

She saw Omkara getting on his motorbike and driving away towards his college in the next town.

Gauri sighed sadly

"He is gone" Gauri mumbled sadly

"Can we go now. Board exams are starting in two weeks Gauri. I need to study" Richa said and pulled Gauri towards the school, where they both sat in the library till the evening

Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi.

Gauri scribbled in her note book and drew hearts all around the name and looked at the page with a dreamy smile.

"Gauri. Study something." Richa admonished

Gauri pouted and opened her English text book. While reading through the chapter, her eyes were caught by the caricature of the man in the text book.

Gauri took her pencil out and drew long hairs for the man and smiled at it.

Richa shook her head seeing Gauri again getting distracted from her studies

As the clock struck four in the evening, Gauri hurriedly packed her bag.

"Come come. It's time" Gauri hurried an annoyed Richa out of the library

"You are getting on my nerves Gauri. From tomorrow, I won't be coming with you." Richa said

They got down from the bus half an hour later and found Omkara's motorbike stopping in front of the mill.

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