Before Them.

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Her curly dark brown hair, was held back by a simple head band, that matched her olive green eyes.  She had finally completed her mission.

She had been taking on several time consuming missions lately to try and bring a decent amount of money back to the guild. She was getting tired of the guild hall constantly being wrecked.

So her only option was to make enough money to help pay what they owed to that stupid Ogre guild.  She had joined the Fairy Tail guild 5 years ago, when she  stumbled upon it.

————— About 5 years ago

The crashing of the unexpected rain and thunder shook the guild hall.  Causing all of the inhabitants shock.

"Wow, wasn't it sunny just a minute ago, Macao,  my man?"Wakaba asked, looking confused out the door.

"Sure was." Macao replied walking to shut the door but not before a scream hit his ears.

His instincts had him running into the rain within seconds, Wakaba behind him.  Looking towards the forest they find a young girl sprinting from the forest.

She immediately stopped when she hit the clearing, staring at the two men before her. She couldn't even imagine what she looked like.

She had awoke in the forest, unsure of where she was, or who she was.  She had been wondering around for who knows how long before the rain and thunder hit.

Terrifying her to say the least. Her body was soaked in moments as the shadows of the forest became to take forms that she was unsure of.

She needed to get out of this forest, something about this situation seemed like bad news.  She had no idea where to run, so she just chose a direction.

In her rush she tripped hitting the muddy ground, a loud scream coming from her lips.  Pain radiates from her knees and hands as she pushed herself up.

Ignoring the pain she started running again the moment her feet hit the ground.  She had felt both terrified and relived to see another person.

Stepping forward, she immediately fell to the ground the pain she had been ignoring hit her.  Her head began pounding, a scream came from her lips once more.

The last thing in her vision was the two men running towards her as the pain became overwhelming and her world turned black.

She had awoken a week later to a purple haired woman, who she later learned was named Laki. After learning that she had no memories and no where to go, Macao allowed her to stay at the guild as long as she helped out.

The only thing she had on her when she was found was a piece of paper that had been tucked into the pocket of the shorts.  With  what they assumed was her name, "Oriya".

———————— Current Time

To believe that now she was a full fledged Mage and guild member.  One of the only new members in almost 7 years. 

To her knowledge an accident occurred that left their strongest members unable to be located, and assumed dead.  Since then they lost the majority of the members and had to move into the smaller building, that she had found them at when she was younger. 

Not much more was told to her on the subject not that she pried.  She didn't find it important to bring unhappy memories to the surface.

Even now with the few guild members left it was like a family, honestly the only one she ever known, or at least remembered.  She was excited to be back in town to see them again, and even more excited to sleep in her own bed.

Walking through town she got the usual stares from the people there.  Her darker skin color often intrigued people, as well as her wild curly hair.

She had to be a foreigner to this country as she hadn't met anyone that looked like her here.  The stares didn't bother her as much anymore. Besides a lot of the towns people were use to seeing her around by now.

Arriving at the guild hall, she noticed that the energy of the area was different than usual. Almost as soon as she thought it, crashes and yells came from building in front of her.

Before she could move to find out what the common was it came to her. A Pink haired man flew from the now broken door followed by a man with no shirt and black hair. 

"Hey, who are you?" The man without a shirt on asked looking at her accusingly.

Before the man could receive an answer the pink haired man was attacking him again. Yelling ramblings of not being paid attention to. 

More people she didn't recognize came running out of the guild.  As she stood frozen confused on what was happening. Finally a face she saw a face she knew.

Relief washed over her as Romeo called her name, also causing all eyes to go to her.  Which immediately made her face go red.

This wasn't the same look that people she on jobs gave her. These people made her feel like she was being summed up. Walking towards Romeo as even the men that were fighting stopped to stare at her.

She made it to him, still flushed in the face as he began introducing her to some of the people around her.


Over the next few days she had been introduced to several of the members that had been missing for the past 7 years.  And had even made friends with quite a few of them.

She did tend to stay away from the crew with the pink haired man, who she now knew as Natsu.  He was simply too much for her to handle.

She had been sitting at a table drinking with Cana. When a group of three walked in that she hadn't met yet.


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