Chapter 1: The beginning of humanity's end

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Note: The OC's name 'Nagi' means calm in Japanese.

(3 years before petrification)

The scent of coffee wafts through the room. It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was crowded with people. A lone teenager sits at the least crowded table with stacks of papers and folders piled beside her. She sips at her mug filled with the bitter liquid of caffeine while reading a document. She had short black hair, with a few stubborn curls of bed hair just on top of her head. She wore a blue button shirt with black necktie and topped with a pristine white coat.

Her attire would make sense as she is currently in a hospital cafeteria. There were also other hospital staff taking their lunches and several white coated wearing individuals that were scattered around the area.

"You're drinking it black. Had a tough one today?" A voice called out the attention of the solitary adolescent at the end corner of the cafeteria.

She looks up to its source where she is greeted with a warm smile of an older looking woman. Like her, she was also dressed professionally and wore a white coat.

"The connection between how I drink my coffee and how my day is makes no sense, nee-san." The coffee drinking individual answered and returned her gaze to her papers.

The older looking woman shook her head and pulled a chair to sit in front of the other. "My dearest Nagi, I've known you for more than six years. I think I can say for sure when something is bothering you."

The woman named Nagi gives in and sighs, "Is it really alright for me to be working here with you? Can't I just stay in nii-sama's lab and away from a lot of people."

"Are you not happy that we get to spend time together a bit more? Even if it's at work." Her soft gentle voice eases Nagi's nerves.

"I'm only an intern here under your supervision," Nagi becomes wary of her next words. "And father isn't exactly very welcoming to me."

"Don't worry about him much. I've told you many times already, you're my little sister."

'Adopted little sister.' She corrected mentally.

But as if reading the other's thoughts the woman continued, "It doesn't matter whether it's by blood or not. A family is a family."

"Your big sister will always love you, okay Nagi? I have faith that you'll do great here."

Nagi huffs out a breath, "Of course you do."

Nagi recalls the time when they first met. Too many things have happened in her life since that fateful day. The image of a child with cold empty eyes looking at the woman who was the embodiment of sunshine and hope. And how a kind and gentle hand reached out to that small and fragile child with a wounded heart. Even when that child had given up on the future she came and brought warmth to that lonely lost soul.

"Nagi?" The older woman looked at her with concern.


"You really should have something other than a cup of coffee." Her sister eyed the coffee mug.

Nagi let out a small smile knowing how her sister cared too much about her.

"Fine, fine." Nagi surrenders to her sister and they proceed to eat lunch together.


The surroundings were dark and she cannot hear, feel, nor see anything yet her consciousness was still running. Nagi wondered when it started to be that way. The darkness and silence felt unsettling to her and she was alone in an unknown realm. She felt something pull her into sleep yet she fought back the urge to do so. She first thought about what happened to her sister or if she's safe.

Calm Illusion: Polarity (Gen Asagiri x OC)Where stories live. Discover now