Life Before Light

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The Big Bang is a historical event known for creating all life and the universe itself. Obviously I am a result of the Big Bang, but I have a feeling that I actually have a reason to be here. I do not really know how to explain this, but I am not like everyone else that happens to roam this planet along with me. I can remember things that I scientifically should not be able to and see things that aren't visible to anyone else. I remember being born and I can even remember living before being granted life.
       Before I was born to this confusing planet, I was an orb that shined brighter than a million stars while being as small as an ant. I remember wandering aimlessly in darkness with zero control over where I went or even my own body. I was moved against my will, I do not recall having any kind of emotion or feeling while in this state. Life to me felt as if I was a glowing spec of dust that gained a consciousness, but nothing to go along with it. I was basically just an unsheltered soul that had not yet acquired a spirit. I was not the only soul, every once in a while I would see another small ball of light zoom past me super fast. I did not know what was going on at the time, but when I look back I can finally understand.
      One day as I was just floating around in nothingness, I was what felt like being dragged by nothing into nothing. It felt as if I have been dragged for days until I finally hit a stop. When I stopped I remember feeling a surface below me, this was the first time that I have ever felt anything. I later discovered that I could finally move freely due to a new body. I was no longer and orb of light, I now have flesh and bone. I wondered if I was in the same place as before but just in a new body, or if a have transferred into a new body as well as a new place. The reason why I wondered this is because even though I have now acquired a body and sense of touch, everything was still pitch black. I was overwhelmed at this drastic change and started to make noise out of a whole in my face as liquid began to flow out of two smaller wholes in my head. These two things were also knee to me. Crying is what I was doing, this became a really common thing for me as I grew even more scared and unfamiliar with this new life of mine.

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