00 | Training

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Y/n opened her eyes and sat up on her bed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. What time is it? Y/n looked at the clock and her eyes widened in surprise, it's 11am! She overslept, that means her father is going to kill her since he is pretty abusive. Without hesitation, Y/n got up on her feet and rushed downstairs, she noticed her father waiting and Y/n stopped in her tracks. "Y/n." Her father's voice was firm, he had his arms crossed as he stared at Y/n. "Um... Yes?" Y/n asked, she tried her best to not let her voice shake with fear, but it was almost impossible. "You know that your mother is out and you have to do the chores?" Her father came closer to her and took her face in his hands, his grip was a little too tight. "Y-yes..." Y/n said sadly. "Then go!" Her father shouted, Y/n flinched by his raised voice.

But she was relieved when he pulled away from her and started to walk away, since he's not drunk yet she won't be punished. But he can hit her too when he's not drunk, depends how much Y/n angers him. Y/n should do the chores, but she promised Mitsuki that she will go meet him too. So what should she do? Y/n glanced at the dishes that remained dirty. She will go with Mitsuki, she will get hit when she gets home but it's not anything new so she will be fine. Y/n looked at her father, but he was already long gone. Great, she can go now. Y/n began to quietly walk over to the front door, she opened it slowly and stepped outside then closed it slowly behind her too. If she doesn't want her father to hear, she has to be quiet. If he heard th- "Hello, Y/n." Y/n jumped with surprise, turning around she saw Mitsuki and a rush of fear flooded through her.

"Hush!!" Y/n whisper yelled at him, she put her hand on his mouth and dragged him away. When they were far away, Y/n sighed with relief. Her father didn't hear anything luckily. Y/n removed her hand away from Mitsuki's mouth, Mitsuki was obviously confused now. "Why were you sneaking?" Mitsuki asked, his eyes narrowing in confusion and innocence. Y/n stared at him, he's just too cute and too innocent sometimes. But he can be pretty strong in battles too. "Nothing important." Y/n brushed the topic off, and luckily Mitsuki didn't complain, he just gave her a smile. "You told me to wait for you outside, so I did." Mitsuki said. Y/n remembered that she did tell him to wait outside of her house, she totally forgot. "You did good." Y/n said, it's not his fault, it was Y/n's. She should have remembered and payed attention more clearly.

"You said we're going to train with Boruto?" Mitsuki asked. Y/n gave him a nod with a smile. Y/n wants to train, she's not planning to fall behind and be useless to her team, she will try her best to help them as much as they help her. That's what teammates are for, to have each other's back. "Yeah, he must be waiting for us in the forest. Let's go!" Y/n called, she started to run and Mitsuki followed behind her. When they reached the forest, Y/n stopped and spun around. "Where even is Boruto...?" Y/n asked. She looked at Mitsuki who shrugged. That's very unlike Boruto, he accepted her request as soon as she offered it, he was determined to get strong too. Maybe something happened, maybe his mom made him stay. Boruto talked about how she can be. "Boo!" Y/n heard a shout and she jumped with a yelp, turning around she faced Boruto who started laughing.

Y/n blushed red, embarrassed by being startled so easily. "Shikadai was right! Y/n does get startled easily!" Boruto said. Mitsuki giggled as well, Y/n stared at Boruto with anger. That wasn't really funny now. "Shut up!" Y/n shouted, she crossed her arms and looked away. She doesn't get startled easily, he scared her, anyone would get startled to that. "So, what are we going to train?" Mitsuki asked, changing the theme. Boruto walked closer to them, his eyes shined with interest. Y/n looked at them and smiled. "We'll work as a team and pretend that..." Y/n looked around the forest, there wasn't much to train on. "That tree over there - is our enemy." Y/n tried. That was the best she got. Boruto blinked at her for a couple of times before he looked at the tree. "Really? That's your amazing plan?" Boruto didn't sound very impressed.

Y/n frowned and she looked away, trying her best not to cry. 'I'm failing them again... I need to know a better plan, I'm the worst.' Y/n wasn't really great at this, was she? Mitsuki stepped forward and looked at Y/n. "I think it's a good idea. We will be stronger when working as a team." Mitsuki said, he looked at Boruto and frowned at him. Boruto blinked in confusion before he looked at Y/n. "I guess it's fine." Boruto shrugged. 'Is it really that obvious that I'm holding my tears back?' Y/n couldn't guess how Mitsuki could see it, but she's glad that Boruto didn't see. "Alright then!" Boruto clapped his hands together and faced the tree. "Let's do this!"

I'm here ~ Mitsuki x Abused reader [remake]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat