Chapter 1: McGonagall Sees the Connection

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Chapter 1: McGonagall Sees the Connection (Sazzy)

A/N Okay so I was on Pinterest looking through Jily headcanons for ideas and such for my sequel The Ultimate year when I came across this one about the Hogwarts professors shipping Jily. Then this two-shot idea came to me. This will take place within my FBTH universe, but the characters won't have so much of a major role in the story. They will be mentioned, but otherwise they won't really be there or at least they won't have any dialogue.
The first chapter about Jasmine and Sirius (Sazzy) at the beginning takes place after Chapter 7: The First of Two Incidents to Come. The ending will be sometime during Chapter 18: The Truth about Jily.
The second chapter (about Jily) will take place sometime during Chapter 10: Back to Hogwarts. It will be different than the first chapter, but I still think it will be cute.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this story that appears to come from anything Harry Potter related. The only thing that I own in this story is my OC, Jasmine, as well as the plot of this story.

It was a regular day at Hogwarts. Classes were over for the day and the professors and students were grateful for that. Right now, most if not all, of the students and professors were at dinner. It was then when McGonagall noticed something strange at her house's table.

Ever since the new girl, Miss Dupont, had arrived at Hogwarts, it seemed that it was harder to catch the boys, or as they called themselves the Marauders, in the act of a prank. McGonagall had to admit, though frustrating, it was some impressive magic that they accomplished at times. And the Transfiguration professor was rather impressed with the girl's abilities in her class. She was rather gifted in Transfigurations. The woman had actually taken a liking to the girl (as she had to James Potter). So, therefore, McGonagall could tell something was amiss when Miss Dupont, instead of sitting with the Marauders as she often would at dinner, chose to sit with her cousin Lily and their other dorm mates. Minerva thought she had done it rather pointedly too.

It wasn't entirely strange to see the girl sit with her cousin, but there was just something about it that bothered Minerva, especially since she had noticed the Jasmine had sat with her cousin the previous night at dinner. They would usually alternate days, so it was strange to see her sitting with Lily again. Also, McGonagall couldn't help but notice that it appeared that Miss Dupont was completely ignoring Sirius Black, which was completely odd and totally out of the ordinary. Jasmine was probably closest to Sirius over any of the other Marauders. She had noticed several times that Sirius would usually be the one to sit next to her and sling his arm around her shoulders. As well as she heard from the Muggle Studies professor that they even sat next to each other in the class because Sirius had planned it that way. If Minerva didn't know any better, she would say they were dating, but she knew they weren't, at least not yet. She had hoped that they would get together soon, but this new development seemed to create a wrinkle in her hopes.

So, when McGonagall saw that Jasmine was ignoring Sirius but still talking to the other boys, the woman couldn't help but feel for the boy. She knew his home life wasn't the best and that his friends were everything to him. They meant to world to him, and over the course of this current school year, McGonagall had seen the young rebellious Gryffindor become awfully close to Miss Dupont. She could see the adoration for the girl in his actions whether he it or not. Though, see Jasmine pointedly ignoring the boy, she feared they would never get together.

McGonagall had been staring at the Gryffindor table for quite some time, before Albus Dumbledore broke her out of her revere. "They are quite the pair, aren't they, Minerva?"

McGonagall turned and looked at the Headmaster to see that he was looking at the Gryffindor table as well. "Yes. They are, Albus, but I fear that something has happened."

"I am afraid of that as well, Minerva, but we can only hope that things will eventually return to normal."

The Transfiguration professor eyed the elderly man suspiciously. She saw the twinkle in his eye. "Yes, we can only hope."

"I say why we wait for the inevitable, we make things interesting." McGonagall raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Ten galleons says that they will get together sometime after the beginning of next school year."

"That is hardly precise, Albus. Plus, they are so oblivious to the other's feelings and their own feelings for each other that it is more likely to happen sometime around or soon after the Christmas break of their sixth year."

"So, we have a deal then, Minerva." McGonagall looked straight into the eyes of Albus Dumbledore before giving him a curt nod in agreement.

~~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~~

Several months later when the students came back from their Christmas break, McGonagall was paying extra close attention to Sirius Black and Jasmine Dupont. Her bet with Albus depended on whether or not the two of them had gotten together over their Christmas break. McGonagall had overheard that Lily and Jasmine had spent their time at the Potters, especially since they had talked about the annual Potter ball enough in the days preceding the end of the last term. Therefore, Minerva was extra confident that they two had finally gotten together with a little help and meddling from Miss Evans and Mr. Potter. McGonagall was determined to get those 10 galleons that Albus was about to owe her.

The first dinner back after the break is when McGonagall first suspect that she had won the bet. She had seen the boys and Miss Dupont sitting together as usual. Oddly enough, Miss Evans had joined them, but McGonagall ignored that for the time being. She was more focused on the other redhead sitting with the boys.

Minerva saw that Sirius, as usual, had his arm around Jasmine, but it appeared that Jasmine was actually leaning into him. They looked more like a couple and less like they were in denial. Though, McGonagall couldn't merely use that as proof to get Albus to hand over the 10 galleons that he now owed her.

It was a couple days later, after the Marauders had pulled their first prank of the new term/year, that she finally had her proof. She had heard several rumors that the two were dating now over the next several days, but it wasn't until she found the two misbehaving Gryffindors snogging in an empty classroom before dinner that she knew for sure that they rumors were true. Upon seeing her students, McGonagall turned right around and headed straight to the Headmaster's office. She knew the password and headed straight up the winding staircase. Minerva didn't even knock. Instead, she just barged right into the office. Luckily, Dumbledore was alone, but she knew he would be.

Albus looked up briefly from what he was reading to see who it was but then went back to what he was doing. "Hello, Minerva. How can I help you?"

She marched right up to his desk and stood right in from of the elderly wizard. She only stated, "You owe me 10 galleons, Albus."

This caught the headmaster's attention. "Whatever for, Minerva?" The twinkle in his eye gave him away, though as Minerva knew that he was well aware of why he now owed her 10 galleons. Thus, Minerva just glared at the man who just nodded and got out 10 galleons. "There you are Minerva. But remember, I might just get those back. I still think that James Potter has a shot with Lily Evans."

Minerva didn't even bother to respond as she exited the office. She happily went and stowed her winnings away. She was not only happy that about winning, but the fact that Sirius and Jasmine were together, and it seemed they were happy.

A/N That's it for this chapter. I hope I managed not to screw up McGonagall and Dumbledore. I tried my best to keep them in character. So, let me know what you all think. I would love to hear from you all about your thoughts on this little one-shot. I will add the Jily chapter sometime soon, but I will probably add another chapter to The Ultimate Year (TUY) first though.

Hope you enjoyed,

🧙‍♂️ Knk6700 🧙‍♂️

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