Aurora Borealis

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written by akiramorie

Copyright © January 2017

Copyright © January 2017

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"How hard it is to be the god of love?" Sophia asked Eros as the darkness emerged from the sky.

It was the winter solstice, and they were sitting at the Garden of the Gods. The freezing winter breeze kissed her warm cheeks. The sky looked majestic as millions of stars brightened it. The full moon glowed above, rays of silvery light touched the ground. The Aurora Borealis was visible from a distance, creating an illusion as if the sky was painted with thousands of colors. 

It was the day wherein the darkness was most beautiful.

"Not easy," he answered, staring at the stars above. "Love is universal, Sophia. It transcends to different people in different ways. Mortals view me as a cherub flying everywhere with a magical bow, shooting everyone with an arrow dipped in love potion that can make anyone fall in love, and be loved. But if my job was as that easy, then love wouldn't be complicated."

Her eyebrows knitted, barely understanding the god beside her.

Eros smiled. "If love was easy, no one would complain for not being loved, no one would do stupid things for the love they think they deserve. No one would have to beg for the love that wasn't meant for them, and no one has to get hurt just to be loved. Mortals think being the god of love is easy. But it's the hardest job you can do. You have to make sure that someone falls in love with the right person, that he was in love with the person he was meant to be with."

She agreed. "That sounds like a hard task."

"But mortals are never contented," Eros continued. They beg for love even more than what they should have. They beg for the love that wasn't meant for them. They force themselves into this concept that loving someone with every beat of their hearts will gain them that love back. They believe that if you love someone hard enough, they will eventually love you back. That is how things become complicated, when you start demanding for the love you think you deserve."

The cold breeze kissed her cheeks. She looked upon the sky. "Is it bad to demand for love?"

"No one has to beg for love," he whispered softly, his voice sounded perfect. Calming, soothing. His kaleidoscope eyes looked at her. They started to change color, matching her definition of perfection—a stormy shade of gray. "Everyone was meant to meet someone that was bound to make them feel indescribable love that will make them realize that love shouldn't have to be begged. We are destined to fall in love with someone that will make us feel like demanding for love is stupid. For they are willing to give it wholeheartedly. That's how love works, Sophia."

Silence reigned between them.

"Can you promise me something, Sophia?" he asked, the silvery moonlight touching his face.

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