Ross Imagine - Rebeca *cheated on*

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I smooth out the creases in my circle skirt and run a brush through my brown hair one last time before deciding that I look perfect enough for date night with my boyfriend.  Ross and I have been together for more than a year and I still get giddy every time I’m with him.  Every date night feels like the first and I absolutely love it. 

With a final swipe of lip gloss I’m out the door and on my way to the restaurant that Ross and I planned to meet at.  When I pull up to the quaint building I smile to myself, remembering why the name of the restaurant sounded so familiar. 

“This is where we first met”, I say to myself, putting the car in park.  I allow my mind to replay that memory, how I had been rushing around, just like always, and bumped into a tall blonde in my carelessness.  He was walking out of the restaurant with his family and I ran right into him, dropping the late breakfast I was eating.  He immediately apologized, making me blush knowing that it was actually my own fault.  But it turned out being a perfectly embarrassing moment since he got my number out of it which led to our first date a few days later. 

I walk up to the restaurant, noticing a couple standing off to the side, their arms wrapped around each other in a passionate kiss.  At first I think nothing of it but then that blonde head make me do a double take.

“Ross?!” I cry out, my stomach dropping even further as the guy turns around and faces me, confirming my suspicions.  His jaw immediately drops open, as if he was surprised to see me here. 

“Rebeca,” he starts, taking a step towards me.  I hold my hands, letting him know to not come any closer as I back up and head the way I came.  By the time I get to my car my hands are shaking as I try to jam the key into the ignition.  I give up after the fifth try and just beat my hands against the steering wheel before resting my head on it, letting the tears spill, causing my make-up to run down my face. 

My head cautiously lifts as I hear the sound of someone knocking on my passenger window.  I shake my head back and forth and lock the doors, not wanting to have anything to do with Ross right now.  This just causes him to come over to my window instead.

“Please, Rebeca, let me explain,” I hear him say through the thin glass. 

“Tomorrow,” I respond to him, finally starting my car, knowing that if I talk to him now I’ll just end up screaming at him and crying even more.  The best thing is for me to go home and cool off for now and try to distract myself with something else. 

I walk through the front door of my apartment and dump my keys on the table, pulling my heels off and padding into my bedroom, throwing back the covers and climbing into bed still all dressed up.  After a while I realize how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a skirt so I change into some comfortable pajamas and climb back into bed with a bowl of ice cream and open my laptop to watch some Netflix. 

Halfway through the movie I was watching I decide sleep might just be what I need as I have barely been able to concentrate on what’s been going on so far.  I turn off the lights and roll over willing for the sleep to come but my mind is working overtime tonight and nothing seems to be happening.  At 2:30 I decide to give in and call Ross, hoping that he’s still awake because I know I will never be able to sleep until I get an explanation. 

"Hello?” his voice asks after the first ring.

"Did I wake you?” I ask.

 “No, I can’t sleep,” Ross sighs.

 “Me neither,” I respond.  A long pause follows until I work up the courage to say, “Is it too late for you to come over?  I think I’m ready to talk now.”

"Not at all!  I’ll be over in ten minutes,” he says, hanging up.  I walk into the living room, turning on a few lights and wait for him to show up.  Ross only lives a few blocks away ironically, since we never ran into each other in the neighborhood. 

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