Ross Imagine - Lexi *he cheats on you*

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 I hated what I was about to do but I just had to know if I was overreacting and freaking out over nothing. As soon as I hear Ross open the front door to whomever had just knocked I lunged for his phone he had left sitting on his bedside table.

Keeping a close eye on the doorway I unlock my boyfriend's phone and open his messages. I have had the worst feeling for a few weeks now that he was cheating on me and I had to know if it was true or not. I tried multiple times to just ask him but I can never work up the nerve to. Scrolling through his text messages I don't find anything suspicious. Only conversations with me, his band members, a few with his friends, but no other girls with anything that is sexy or romantic or anything.

While I'm trying to think of a different app or something I could check I hear Ross close the front door. I quickly put his cell back where I found it and lay back in his bed. Even though I didn't find anything, my stomach still hasn't settled. Lately Ross just seems to be acting different when he's around me. He has become more distant, not talking to and sharing all of his thoughts with me as much as he used to. We don't hang out nearly as much and when we are together it seems to be a struggle to get him to do anything intimate with me. At most I can get a kiss here and there but make out sessions have become rare and everything else just doesn't happen anymore. He keeps blaming his change in attitude on stress over him starting to film his first on-screen movie soon but I still don't buy it. Ross isn't the type to become stressed, especially over something like acting which he is so comfortable with.

"Who was that?" I ask as Ross comes back and lays down on the bed next to me.

"Just the delivery guy. Something big and expensive for Rocky it seems," Ross says.

After a long pause I try to fill the awkward silence again. "So I was talking to Kayla earlier and she was telling me about this big party her older brother is throwing next weekend and she asked if I wanted to come. Are you free because I really don't want to go all by myself!"

"Won't Kayla be there?" Ross asks and I can't help but notice that his voice sounds different.

"Yeah, she'll be there, but you know how she is! I'll definitely be the third wheel while she flirts with every guy we come within three feet of," I say, not trying to sound harsh about my best friend but she does have a tendency to fall in love every other day with someone different.

"Um, sure," my boyfriend tells me hesitantly.

"Ok, great!" I exclaim. Glancing at the time I realize it's getting close for me to leave for work. I say good-bye, only getting a kiss on the cheek before I walk out to my car, my mind spinning as I try to figure everything out. I'm thankful when I get to work, knowing that it will keep my mind busy and prevent me from thinking or dissecting Ross any further.

When the weekend comes around, Ross picks me up and we drive over to Kayla's house for the party. As we get out of the car and start to walk up the driveway, I notice that Ross is walking slower than usual and he was awfully quiet in the car on the drive over. A thought starts to creep in my head but I immediately push it out, going inside to find Kayla. I lead Ross into the kitchen where we find my best friend sitting on the counter while she laughs at something a guy had just said to her.

"Lexi! You made it!" she squeals when she spots me in the doorway. She hops down and her skirt rides up becoming even shorter than it already is before she gives me a hug.

"Hi Ross," she says to my boyfriend awkwardly standing behind me.

"Hi," he says shyly and I just give him a confused look from his out-of-ordinary character. He's met Kayla plenty of times before and isn't a shy person to begin with.

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