Chapter 1

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[Catra pov]

"Adora," I knock on the wooden door, "Adora you need to wake up. Her Majesty wants you down for breakfast."

"Hmmm, Noo~" I hear a groan on the other side. Sighing, I open the door to see Adora covering her head with her blanket.

"You need to get up before I get Adam up here."

"Who cares. Let me sleep for five more minutes."

I lay down her dress that I was holding onto the table and walk back over to the bed.

"No," I yank the covers off, revealing one tired royal. Her blonde hair was all over the place and bags were under her eyes, "Geez. What were you doing last night?"

"Reading another book," She yawns before swinging her legs to one side of the bed.

"Of course you would be," I laugh.

"Haha. Very funny," Adora gets up and takes the dress. She then walks behind the screener and starts to change, "So what does my mother want with me to come down for breakfast so early?"

"I don't know," I take a seat at her vanity, "Something about how your ceremony of becoming second in command with Mara in the royal guard."

"Wait what?!" She peaks her head out from one side of the screener.

"Mhm," I nod my head before giggling at the princess's shocked look.

"Well that's surprising," She goes back to changing and comes back out in her red knee-length dress.

"Not really," I get up and walk over to her, "I always knew you would always try to get there and Mara also knew that you were great at it too."

Adora sits down at her vanity, taking her hairbrush and untangling the knots.

"You think so?" She looks back at me in the reflection.

"I know so," I walk over to her again before wrapping my hands over her neck. She sets the brush down and takes one of my hands into hers.

"Thank you," She sighs, "For always being there for me."

"Well, I can't just leave your side now can I?" I joke as she gets up and starts to leave.

"I guess not," Blondie puts on her shoes and crown. She opens the door and waits for me the catch up to her.

"We better hurry then. Their Majesties and Adam are waiting for you."

The two of us rush out of the hall and into the dining room. Adora slows her pace.

"Wait here and I'll be out after," Adora says softly as she opens the big, wooden door.


[Adora pov]

I close the door behind me and turn around to see the three other royals sitting down at the long table with food already placed. Standing next to Mom was Madam Weber who was our head advisor as well as a sorceress. She looks at me dead in the eye while looking so serious at the same time. What is up with that lady?

"Adora?" Dad questions before showing me my seat next to Adam.

"Oh sorry Dad," I scurry over to my seat.

"You're fine. Honey?" He looks over at Mom as she acknowledging the cue.

"Well I think you already know what we're going to discuss due to Adam telling Catra," She glares at him as he quickly looks away. I give a quiet snort while covering my hand over my mouth.

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