Episode 6

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~Skip to five months later you are 7 months pregnant at the doctors~
*the family that's gonna take the baby when it's born is there*
*the doctor does a ultrasound*
Doctor: we have the gende, it's a girl
You: congratulations....
??: thank you
josh: yeah congratulations!!
Doctor: your baby is the size of a pepper
*she prints out the picture for the adoptive family*
Doctor: josh can you give it to them
Josh: I can't, I'm sorry...
You: josh...
Josh: I can't do it!!
You: just give it to them!!
Doctor: it's ok he can keep it I'll print them another one
*the adoptive family takes the picture and leaves with the doctors*
You: josh what was that
*you clean off your stomach and pull down your shirt*
Josh: I can't do it!! I can't give her away...
You: josh it's to late... she's born in 2 months...
Josh: I can't see my kid with someone else!!
You: I didn't know you wanted her that bad....
*he look at the picture and cry*
You: ok ok I'll talk with the doctors
Josh: I'm sorry I can't
You: I'll talk to the doctor!!!!
*he nod*
*you get the doctor*
You: hi I'm we made a last minute decision and really wants  to keep her
Doctor: the baby is due in 2 months!!
You: i will let you guys know!!
You: it's our baby
Doctor: I know we already send the paper out...
You: well unsend them she'sin my stomach
Doctor m: ok we'll try!! Wait for our class... ok?
You: it's our baby !!
*you grab josh and walk out*
Josh: so?
You: I want to keep her too...
Josh: same
*he look at the picture*
*he puts his hand on your stomach*
Josh: you gonna be okay....  I won't leave you...
And no one's gonna take you away from me!!

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