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Avery's POV

I walked to school In my usual crap. Anyways , as I was walking, I saw the black veil brides tour bus. I ignored it thinking I was going crazy . I walked into school to see my friend , Frankie, flirting with her bf. I rolled my eyes and sighed and went to my locker. I opened it and a shit load of notes with names on them fell out. It was the usual. Slut, whore, bitch, emo etc. Anyways I took them to the nearest trash can and put them in it. Rumor has it there's a few new kids here today. I bumped into a guy with long black hair, pale skin and brown eyes and a girl with ocean blue eyes pale skin and pink hair. I stood up and said sorry. They said it was no big. The couple walked off. My bassist and dear friend , Frankie, ran over. "You just bumped into Octavia and Iza. Girl be fucking careful ok damn. " She said. I glared at her , my brown eyes now blue. "Calm down god damnit.  Now let's get to class before any other shit goes wrong." I said and walked off. I didn't even want to tell her about the black veil brides thing. She would freak.

~Time skip~

We got outta school and I saw my bf  waiting for me . "Hey kitty." He said. I smile at him and we walk off. My bf is a sweet guy. He'd never do anything to hurt me. I walked by the bvb bus and bumped into another guy. But this guy had black hair, blue eyes, and he was about six foot. I blinked and looked up. Omgish! I bumped into andy biersack.  I thought over and over in my mind but showed no emotion.

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