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A storm was coming but that's not what she felt.

Orion was my perfect description of a cool girl. The world seemed to revolve around her and she seemed like she could've cared less. Everyone's friend, everyone's crush, and everyone's idol.

She moved to California in 6th grade, but by 7th she was the most adored girl in our school. Truthfully, applying stereotypes, I should have hated her. But after a I ran out of school after having a panic attack in the 8th grade cafeteria and she followed with the simple words "Are you ok?" and a cigarette in hand, I knew I couldn't.

Whenever Orion was free between cheer practice, Maddy's gossip circles, and nates pretentious ass, she made time for me and Lexie. Her need to be liked had to have been how she motivated herself to never turn down an invite.

Orion now stood in her bedroom, pulling on her pink shorts and dragging a tank loose fitting tank over her head, rushing to pick Rue up. "Josiah! Where are my keys?" She ran down the stairs, sliding on her shoes and leaning into the kitchen where her brother was stood, making a Coke and rum for himself. Per usual.

Josiah was a year older than Orion, but he had never made her feel like it. They had always been built in best friends. When your brother is left to raise you, it just turns out that way. His friends were her friends. His clothes were her clothes. I always wondered how two siblings could get along so well.

I like Josiah, he was probably the most level headed jock to ever exist. It was clear to see where his sister had adapted her universal liking from, even if his choice of friends was very questionable.

"Over there." He nodded over to the counter, leaning on the island. "What's got you in a rush."

"Rues out of rehab." She grinned, grabbing her keys before grabbing the drink out of his hand and tasting  it before handing it back.

"Ew." He groaned. "You are going to McKay's party tonight right?" He asked as she exited the garage door.

"Will there be Malibu there?" She stuck her head back in the doorway. He shot her an are you serious look. "See ya there." He nodded and she swung back out the door.

Orion and Rue sat in her white Cadillac, the words of an a$ap song slopingly mouthed as smoke blew out of Orion's mouth. 

"Rue, nothing hard at least okay?" Orion felt like she was basically shooting Rue up herself, but she knew Rue would have walked if it wasn't for her and Rue would've also called her out for doing the same shit, so she agreed to being the carpool.

"Yeah okay." She grinned.

"You owe me a pack tho." She pointed out, parking in the gas station.

"Fine, whatever your highness requests." Rue jumped out, walking to a guy sitting in a lawn chair.

Orion rolled her eyes before focusing them on the man. She had seen him around, talking with Rue. Fezco.

She finally shook herself up and into the gas station, where she picked up an 8 pack of twisted teas, a pack of Newport's, and cherry papers. She set money on the counter and tossed the packages into her tote, knowing the teas would just have to be carried as she walked over to her friend.

"Orion right?" The man looked over to her.

She rose her eyebrows.


"Ah I prolly sound creepy as hell, rues mentioned you." He explained.

"I understood. She's mentioned you too, Fezco." She grinned. "I left money on the counter." She looked down at the case.

"It's all good." He nodded.

"I'll let you two get to know eachother." Rue said, patting her friend on the back and running inside.

Yes, I knew it was wrong to try and set up my taken friend with my drug dealer, but I could feel it. Maybe it was because Fezco was so different from Orion's usual type, or maybe I was just a love psychic when sober.

"How much d'ya think she'll be out?" Orion asked, opening her tote.

"Ah nah don't worry bout Rue, I cover for her." He shrugged.

"That seems like a shitty move, money wise." She laughed, looking back at him.

Admittedly, she found herself staring at every feature of his face. "Eh, usually just rip your brothers friends off to cover." He grinned.

She laughed. "You know Josiah?"

"Sick dude." He nodded. "His friends are on somethin' else though."

"Very true." She looked down at her feet.

"Yo, I hope this isn't too psycho, but I can I get ya number?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not too psycho yet." She smirked, grabbing a pink pen from her tote and grabbing his wrist, carefully writing the digits. "Don't call me too much." She said, chasing after Rue.

"We'll see bout that!" He called after her.

Only minutes later Orion sat in an intersection, slamming her head down on the top of her steering wheel. "Why the fuck did I do that?! I have a boyfriend Rue! Oh my god I'm actually a horrible person."

"Ok, first of all, chill out, giving a guy your number is not the same as blowing him." Rue reminded the girl.

"It is though!" She pouted.

"You are actually crazy." Rue shook her head.

The blonde groaned, sitting back up and starting at the red car. "Yo O! You comin to Mckay's?"

She turned at the far too familiar voice of Nate Jacobs. "Not if you're going fuckhead!" She called back.

Nate and the Mathers twins were family friends. They'd spend countless weekends at his house whilst their mom was off somewhere getting wasted. That isn't to say Nate didn't love to make Orion cry like he did most girls, because he did.

When she slept over, he's scare her. When she needed a ride home, he'd go too fast and wild. When she got too drunk, he'd see how far he could go. It was fucked, and I blame it on him that she lets men treat her the way they do.

"Ow! I like it when your feisty!" He hollered, earning an eye roll.

"Leave her alone, waddup' Rion." McKay nodded.

Orion waved back. "I'll ask Daniel, but I'll at least make an appearance."

"Yeah ask him to put you on leash while he's at it!" Nate pushed the gas "Later little O!"

"He's such a dick." Orion giggled, following the truck out of the parking lot.

"Yeah." Rue nodded, knowing Orion didn't mean it, and wishing she did.

Authors Note:
Short but I've had Orion's character in mind since season 1 came out and just finally got to writing her. I hope you guys like it and feel free to ask any questions! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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