Pity Party

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Sasuke frowned, not liking very much what he was seeing. His girlfriend, a blonde named Yuuki, had cheated on him and her second lover hadn't cleaned up very well. He'd also gotten fired from his job earlier that day, so he already wasn't in the best of moods. Things only got better when Yuuki kicked him out of the apartment, tossing his clothes at him and officially ending the relationship.

So, here he was -- drinking away his woes.

He was going to break up with her irregardless of what he came home to, but he was reasonably upset about no longer having a home. His job didn't mean that much to him, but he had bills that needed paid. The fine for his recently towed vehicle, for example. All things considered, Sasuke felt like throwing himself a pity party and he was going to be the guest of honour.

"Another vodka," he slammed the empty glass down against the counter.

"You're drunk enough. Go home," the blonde bartender sent him a glare, her green eyes watering from his stench.

"Don't fucking want to, now gimme another shot!" Sasuke demanded.

"Excuse me? Don't use that language or tone with my sister!"

Sasuke boredly turned his head, narrowing his granite gaze at the newcomer. Her long hair was a shade or two darker than his, tied up in a ponytail that far exceeded his former classmate by the name of Ino Yamanaka's and her skin matched Sai Yamanaka's hue to a tee. She was narrowing the bluest pair of eyes that he had ever seen at him, her body hugged by a purple sweater dress with a crimson sash tied around her waist. Sasuke let his eyes drink in the tight fabric around her bust, appearing to be on the verge of bursting from the strain.

"Then why don't you get me some vodka?" the Uchiha coyly suggested.

She reached over the counter and grabbed the bottle with his desired beverage, her expression blank as she uncapped the bottle. Sasuke smirked at her sudden submissiveness and held out his glass, only to have the alcohol poured onto his head.

"Take your damn pity party elsewhere. You can come back and apologise to Naoki-chan after you've sobered up a bit," she glared.

"Onee-chan, you have to pay for that! I'll be fired!!"

The ravenette tossed her wallet over the blonde.

"Take what you need whilst I escort this arsehole to his motel."

"Who the fuck said that I was in a motel?" Sasuke wiped the liquid from his face, almost snarling.

"I did, porcupine brain. You're too drunk to drive and your suit clearly puts you on the higher end of town, so I was nice enough to get you a motel room for the nyght. Vomit on me on the way there and it will be your place of death," she tossed his arm over her shoulders and yanked.

"Ichi-nee, should you rea-"

"Naoki-chan, it's just a block away from the bar. I'm locking him in the room and it's cheap, so don't worry."

"Fuck you," Sasuke muttered drunkenly.

"Not in your darkest nyghtmare," Ichiki glared, leading him towards the door.

She managed to tow him towards the Hashimoto Inn, barely able to unlock the door and carry the deadweight at the same time. However, she did so and he tossed him onto the bed before rubbing her now free arm.

"Muscle weighs more than fat," she groaned.

Sasuke pulled off his shirt, eager to rid himself of the vodka stained clothes. Ichiki squealed, attempting to dart towards the door but was instead trapped against the wall next to it as the drunk male plugs his mouth to hers.

She had to admit, despite tasting of booze, he was a decent kisser.

"Get the fuck off of me!" she kneed him in the groin.

He toppled over, laying in a foetus's position as he clutched his private.

"Sober up and apologise," she said as she locked him into the room.

On the way back to the bar, Ichiki touched her fingertips to her lips and blushed.

"Damn idiot."

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