Chapter 1

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*Haylee's POV*

"Hey, my mom told me to bring this to you." I said to the tall blonde guy, and set a tray of coffee cups down on a table near him.

"You are?" He asked.

"Haylee O'Neal." I introduced, holding my hand out.

"O'Neal? You're an O'Neal?" He asked, shaking my hand.

"Yes, uh... Sir. Yes, I am."

"Don't call me sir. I'm probably the same age as you. So, are you the daughter of Linda O'Neal?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Huh. I didn't know she had a daughter."

"Well, she does. It's me." I said before letting out an awkward laugh.

"Your mother is our-"

"Manager." I completed his sentence. "I know. She does so much stuff for you guys. I don't even know who you are, though." I admitted.

"You don't know who R5 is?" He asked.

"Umm.. No.. Should I?"

Well, that was a dumb question. Obviously I should know who R5 is, or else he wouldn't seem so concerned. Gosh, Haylee, why do you have to be so stupid.

"Nah, it's fine. We're a band." He said. "I'm Riker. I play bass, sing, and I'm the oldest." He introduced.

"Haylee O'Neal."

Agh. I already told him that!

"Well, I need to get back to my brothers and sister." He said and walked over to the others.

I sighed and walked toward the door.

"Wait!" Someone called out.

Finally, someone actually cares..

"My coffee isn't hot enough.." The guy with the long brown hair said.

Umm.. As always. It was just because I'm basically my mothers assistant, even though I don't officially work for her.

"Of course." I said quietly. "Let me fix that."

"Thanks, kid." He winked.

I sighed and grabbed his coffee cup. "Did you call me kid?"

"Of course. You're like... 13, right?" He smirked.

Seriously? Just because I'm thin and short, doesn't mean I'm a child.

"No." I bit my tongue, trying not to get angry.

"14?" He guessed.

"17." I corrected, and walked straight out the door.

I sighed as I walked into the break room and walked to the microwave, then put the cup of coffee in it.

"Haylee." My mom said from behind me.

After setting the microwave to warm the coffee for 30 seconds, I turned to face her.

"Yes, ma'am?" I said politely.

"What are you doing?" She questioned.

"Um, the guy with the long brown hair.."

"Rocky." She corrected.


"Rocky said that his coffee wasn't warm enough. I was just warming it for him." I said and she nodded.

The microwave beeped just in time. In time to break the awkwardness between me and my mother.

"Oh, that's his coffee. Got to take it to him." I rushed to the microwave, got the coffee out and speed walked out of the room, and took it to the room that R5 was in.

"Here you go, Ricky. It's very hot, so don't burn your tongue." I said, handing the coffee to him.

"Rocky." He corrected.

"Sorry." I looked down.

He took his coffee.

"Um, my mom said that if you need anything, just text me. Here's my number." I said and shyly placed a piece of paper on the table near them, and slowly walked toward the door.

"I will be in the room next door, in case you need to get to me." I said before turning the door knob, and exited the room.


Hi! Claire here! So, today is THE DAY!
Today is the 'premiere' of Miss Misunderstood!
I like to call it a premiere. Just cause it sounds cool.
This is my very first story that I will have actual set days to post.
So, the schedule for this story is;

Chapter(s) will be posted every Monday and Wednesday, OR Monday and Thursday. Depending on how the week goes.

So, enjoy.



Also, I'd like for you to leave a list of songs in the comments. Like, either your favorite song(s) or just what is playing on your iPod now.

Annnnnnnnnd go!

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